Dear Mat,
Have you thought how much your parents are spending on food/drinks for you? Talk to them, it may well work out that they are spending far more than the weekly cost of a VLCD and they would be happy to pay the VLCD bill and reduce their own outgoings.
Would it be so embarrasing/difficult to discuss it with them?
From a parent's point of view I would be absolutely delighted if my teenagers tried to help me reduce my food bills rather than eat me out of house & home but I do understand that there is rather an age difference between you and them.
However if either of them came to me with the desire to lose weight and the reasoned argument about VLCD then I hope I would be of a mindset to help, and I also hope I would call it a real result in my bank balance. Thankfully they are both well within the recommended BMI for their ages - tis only their parents who are turning into barrels
Hope you don't think I am interfering & all the very best with your studies
Have you thought how much your parents are spending on food/drinks for you? Talk to them, it may well work out that they are spending far more than the weekly cost of a VLCD and they would be happy to pay the VLCD bill and reduce their own outgoings.
Would it be so embarrasing/difficult to discuss it with them?
However if either of them came to me with the desire to lose weight and the reasoned argument about VLCD then I hope I would be of a mindset to help, and I also hope I would call it a real result in my bank balance. Thankfully they are both well within the recommended BMI for their ages - tis only their parents who are turning into barrels
Hope you don't think I am interfering & all the very best with your studies