Just been to the gym this afternoon. I have mastered the cross trainer and am really enjoying the preset weightloss course. It shows you which areas a re being worked on which is really good. I have only been 4 times this week which is naughty for me as I try to go at least 5 times but I really hurt my calves on the trainer the other day and could hardly walk! Anyway, feels much better now.
My usual gym routine is 20 mins of toning weights for my arms amd then some of the leg machines. I aim for at least 60 mins cardio on the bike, treadmill or cross-trainer (a combination of them not all in one session!!!) I feel good if I have done the cardio workout as I can feel my jelly belly wobbling which means it is wobbling off!!
I have bought a pair of calf length boots for the winter and am too afraid to try them on for fear they won't fit me! I also played about with my wlr info and realised that I need to lose 8lbs to be under 200lbs. When I see it like that it is quite shocking, but compared to what it started like it is reasonable! I need to save up and buy clothes, I have 3 pairs of trousers for work, 4 tops and nothing else. My work and home wardrobe are intertwined as nothing fits but I can't afford to face the shops, if I'm honest I always find it disheartening when, despite my efforts nothing fits when I think it should. Clothes sizes are a big pain in the punani!
I have had experienced 16's in Evans being too small (OMG), 14's in mk one being too big, Mand S all over the place. Only Monsoon seem to suit me at the moment and I can't afford to shop theit all the time!!
My aim is to buy a pair of jeans that fit. Anyway, all is well, jellybelly is shrinking slowly, arms look like arms and not lumps, boobs are saggy but hey ho! Hope everyone is well!!