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Hi @Sassie.b thank you, I won't let it affect me, i'm used to it.
When it's played up before it's usually been food that's too fatty, like a grease laden plate with little to call a breakfast, or the usual overly hot spicy food, and, on the odd occasion, a poorly prepared Dona kebab.
I used to eat SP salads most of my life, obviously not knowing they were , they never bothered me, I grew up eating sossage and chips, egg and chips, spam and chips, on a Sunday it would always be a plate busting roast. So much that I was at least 16 St before I was 16, and, up to 18 before I started training, getting back to 16, but reasonably strong.
I stayed at 16st, eating what I liked, when I liked, even for a few years after becoming a trucker. But once I needed a prolonged rest from work due to my spinal issues, I went up to 21.
But the worst thing I did was becoming a bus driver, with worse shift patterns than trucking, and I made it up to 25, even though I was eating reasonably sensible. But I tell you all now, that is one dizzying height I shall never reach again!
I love to cook, eat, and se others enjoying a good meal that I have cooked, so instead of cooking those bad things, eating way too much of those bad things; instead I'm going to cook right, eat right (even if it kills me
Lots to do to today, mothers day tomorrow, daughters birthday Tuesday! Best get on
When it's played up before it's usually been food that's too fatty, like a grease laden plate with little to call a breakfast, or the usual overly hot spicy food, and, on the odd occasion, a poorly prepared Dona kebab.
I used to eat SP salads most of my life, obviously not knowing they were , they never bothered me, I grew up eating sossage and chips, egg and chips, spam and chips, on a Sunday it would always be a plate busting roast. So much that I was at least 16 St before I was 16, and, up to 18 before I started training, getting back to 16, but reasonably strong.
I stayed at 16st, eating what I liked, when I liked, even for a few years after becoming a trucker. But once I needed a prolonged rest from work due to my spinal issues, I went up to 21.
But the worst thing I did was becoming a bus driver, with worse shift patterns than trucking, and I made it up to 25, even though I was eating reasonably sensible. But I tell you all now, that is one dizzying height I shall never reach again!
I love to cook, eat, and se others enjoying a good meal that I have cooked, so instead of cooking those bad things, eating way too much of those bad things; instead I'm going to cook right, eat right (even if it kills me

Lots to do to today, mothers day tomorrow, daughters birthday Tuesday! Best get on