Weight watcher/calories counting/think thin diet.

Haha no! Now my house is tidy I feel like there is much more of a chance that I might actually write my dissertation! Haha x
Okay I have decided to set myself a target. My friends wedding is in August- 26 weeks away. My aim is to lose about 1lb a week until then so ideally losing around 2 stone!
This is my personal challenge that I want whole heartedly so I really hope I have the will power to not fall off the wagon this time.
I know there will be times when I eat out/ go out drinking but I will remain within my weeklies!
Wish me luck :D
Just 10,500. Thing is I had my intro and lit review done and then I changed title, so now I have to rework my intro, re-do my lit review and now my methodology is due in 1/2 weeks. haaaaaaa. It is just such a big task I dont even know where to start so I just put it off and put it off. I need to write 2 bloody chapters in 2 weeks as well as sort out a presentation for another unit.

I seriously have no work ethic or motivation. It is terrible!

ohhh thats a really good target, and realistic too. Not too much pressure, just enough to keep you going. maybe thats where Ive gone wrong, nothing to aim for really, other than be less fat lol

okay, seriously short term target - only shakes mon & tues, shakes for brekkie and lunch weds then small meal cos Im going out. small meal for breakfast thurs and 2 shakes after. Lets see if I can stick to that. Tmrw I will only have shakes either side of my meal out. thats a start!

Well done lucy youve inspired me!XXXX
Wow that's huge. My psy diss was 6,500, was a nightmare, with my proposal was 8,500. My lit review was the worst part, I read 50+ journals, had to compare findings and methodology then create my own research to be passed by uni's ethics board! Mare!

Aww I'm glad I have inspired you. Well I thought- wedding= lots of photos of me hating the way I look! Then I thought sod that, I can lose 1lb a week til then, lose 2 stone, find a fab dress and think ha! To all the people I used to work with (as my friend still works there and is close to a girl I stopped being friends with cos she was just mean) because I'll look fab and they won't!

That sounded really petty but it's how I feel. Some of these people gossiped about me when I left (long story, was all unfounded and just mean) and I want to arrive with my close friends and Boyf, looking fab, having moved on and being better for it! It that stupid? Saying it out loud does sound petty!
I dont think it is petty at all. It shows them how strong you are and how well youve done despite their poor treatment.

I experienced an almost identical situation with a girl who I chose to remove from my life due to her spitefulness and she is a massive motivator to get thin. I hate her and I want to show despite her cruel words I can be the person I want to be. One thing she said to me always stuck with me. She was a big girl (size 16-18) and at the time she said to me (size18-20) "I feel like everyone compares us because we are both big, but Im not as fat as you so I dont think its fair, dont you agree?" ERRR WHAT? What the hell? I was flabberghasted. haha she was pretty balmy and came out with some retarded things, but like, what the hell am I supposed to say to that? lol I was just like "yes susie, your thinner than me..." lol I know you shouldnt feed the trolls but lol easiest way out!

She has since lost quite a bit of weight, Id say she is a 12-14? and I just think, she so doesnt deserve it! lol That IS mean! and petty! but anyway, if she can do it, so can I!

We can be petty together!
It's weird isnt it how something like that can be a big motivator. Girls can be so mean and I honestly aren't like that, I've always been taught if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!
Any who, we are doing this for us and it's an added bonus that we can feel better when we see those people that put us down!
Onwards and upwards (but downwards in size haha)
I honestly can't wait to be skinny- first thing I'm going to do is go on a spending spree- then all my pretty dresses that cost a bit- like I have a dress from French connection from when I was a 14- I want that taking in. And I'm going to shop for a swim suite and not feel crap after :)
I cant wait to wear clothes and actually look beautiful in them, like I show the clothes off, and not that they make me look slightly better, which is the current case lol

I cant wait to shop in shops Ive never been able to shop in like miss selfridge and oasis!

Seriously feel your pain with the scales, a good set of scales is an essential item for your tool kit to aid weight loss! They need to be reliable! I would recommend mine but I have no idea where I got them or who they are made by! They are like a glass plate over silver feet? also just to double check, your not weighing yourself on carpet are you?

No on a tiled floor, mine are weight watcher ones and they were £30! I'm tempted to take them back!

I went into top shop today with my friend, I can't wait to fit into their size 12s, can't wait to afford their clothes (I fit into the poor student stereotype perfectly) either.

I'm feeling so motivated, didn't even get tempted by a hot chocolate in cafe Nero.

By next June I will have finished my PGCE, have a teaching job and fit into fab clothes. Decided to learn French this year too!

I feel we can do this!!x
yeah you really should, they def sound faulty!

well done on resisting!

oohh I did French at GCSE, got an A but I dont remember anything lol I really want to get one of those cds so I can learn while Im driving. Want to get a spanish one too, I think languages are so important and really give you an edge in the jobs market! How are you planning on learning?

I'd really recommend the Michel Thomas CDs for learning French. If it had been taught like that I'd have learnt so much more.

I'm currently learning Welsh using some podcasts that use a similar technique to Michel Thomas.
yeah you really should, they def sound faulty!

well done on resisting!

oohh I did French at GCSE, got an A but I dont remember anything lol I really want to get one of those cds so I can learn while Im driving. Want to get a spanish one too, I think languages are so important and really give you an edge in the jobs market! How are you planning on learning?


I aren't sure yet. Well as a primary school teacher I'll need to know French so I'm thinking it will put me ahead if I can speak, understand and write it fluently. No idea how I'm going to learn yet haha x
I'd really recommend the Michel Thomas CDs for learning French. If it had been taught like that I'd have learnt so much more.

I'm currently learning Welsh using some podcasts that use a similar technique to Michel Thomas.

Have you used the Michel Thomas ones to learn. I'm going to google him to find out more- thanks :)
Have you used the Michel Thomas ones to learn. I'm going to google him to find out more- thanks :)

Yes. I used it to brush up on my rusty French from about 20 years ago. Highly recommended.
I'm 50- 50 about either buying something like the Michel ones or going to a class. With a class I feel like I will have to turn up therefore will make more of an effort than if I was left to go it alone.
I'm 50- 50 about either buying something like the Michel ones or going to a class. With a class I feel like I will have to turn up therefore will make more of an effort than if I was left to go it alone.

True. It depends on the time you have and other commitments. With a young family as well as being a full-time teacher (so working most evenings) there is no way I could commit to going to a class. With the Welsh I listen to the 30 min podcast at school, either during my lunch break or after school, where I can pause the podcast if necessary to come up with the phrases. I then listen to it again in the car on the way home to practice without access to the pause button.
Had a rubbish day today! Stayed within my points then thought sod it and had 4 marshmallows and a table spoon of Nutella (this is a vast improvement on what I used to eat if I was down). I don't feel guilty about it I just wish I hadn't done it because I was saving my points for pancake day. Oh well. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day x
Ahh annoying but be proud that you limited it just to that! Could have been so much worse and you can try again tmrw x
Today has been much better. Eating and otherwise :) going to attempt my exercise DVD again later. Wish me luck haha
Does anyone know how long i should wait after my tea before I exercise? I know ideally I'd eat after but too hungry to wait