Thank you very much...... Let me just start by saying thanks to my consultant, my wonderful group, my agent, my manager,.... my hairdresser, the wonderful people at Minimins, and of course you my wonderful Mateys,..... I couldn't have done it without you all,........

Sorry, I couldn't resist!!!!...
But to all those people who think 'How did she manage THAT?!!?!? .......
Time for the truth.......
SURGERY :busted:
Actually, the surgery wasn't weight-loss surgery, that was just a happy side-effect!!!! Am actually really excited as next Thursday I see the consultant and will hopefully find out how much it actually weighed!!!! I'm just hoping that there is no bad news attached....
Oh well, Offwards and Downwards my fellow Mateys, and here's to a great weight-loss in July!!!!!
P.S. A very real and heartfelt thanks to Losingme for taking over the running of this team.... The transition was seamless!!!