Well done on your hald stone pinksa, bet you are very proud

Mrs V, sorry to hear you are in pain, hope you will feel better soon :hug99:. Well done on your 5 lb loss

. Malaika, 0.5 lb off is fine, its going in the right direction

. Hobbithead, beating *week is always a great feeling and 3 lb off is fantastic!

Donnie, wow to you, 5 lb is great! How did you do it?

Sarah, just a tiny gain for you, that and more will be off next week. Stick to the plan girl

. Weemo, sts is good considering you were away for a few days, hope you hada great time

Simmy, hope WW works for you. As others said, if you feel it's time for a change then do it. Good luck hunny :wavey:
I lost 2 lb, this means I got rid of all my holiday gain + 0.5 lb more Aaand - I got my 3 st award, yay :bliss:

arty0049: (took me long enough

B. xx