Thanks for your support - I will stay but things are tough at the moment so you'll have to bear with me. I'm taking one day at a time, and so far today I'm on track and staying away from the biscuit tin!
Hubby and me are having a few problems, and on top of that my Dad, who has been very ill for about 10 years is going through yet another bad patch.
He's the main reason I want to lose weight, he's overcome so much and shown so much strength that I want to show him that I can do the one thing that I know I can do to make him proud of me and finally lose this weight. He has always said I should diet and I've tried and lost and gained and lost and gained and ............ This time I'm doing it for him, for me and most of all for my 2 kids who I want to be more active with. This is the most weight I've ever lost and the lightest I've been since I was 14 - going to group and coming on here have really helped.
I go to SW with my next door neighbour so I'm not going to stop going to group - I enjoy the evening out and know that its the one night when I don't have to put the kids to bed!
Thanks again for your messages x