Welcome to all the newbies

Hi Everyone,

Well I took the plunge on Monday and started my diet!!! Like a lot of people, I have tried so many diets before, but have only had significant success with food replacement and that was a couple of years ago. I am just finishing off a few CD packs and hope to start on the exciting boxes of Exante that are sitting on my kitchen table on Tuesday - can't wait to try the bars!!

I just wanted to say thank you already for the support shown on this forum - I've been lurking for a couple of days and reading the motivational posts has got me through to ketosis!!!!

Anyway, I hope I can be some encouragement to others when I am an old hand at this Exante diet - lol.

Take care everyone and have a great week.
Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to say thank you all so much for your help. I've been reading the forum over the past few weeks to gain knowledge of the Exante diet, and I feel as though I already know so much from lurking.

This is the first diet I have tried, and after having 2 children close together, my body really needs toning up!

I'm currently on my 5th day of the diet and I'm feeling rather good..so far! I'm not interested in food and the thought/sight/smell isn't bothering me. I'm keeping myself busy as well to stop thinking of food, and my 2 little girls know how to keep me busy also!

Hope you're all okay, and thank you again :D
Hello and thank you, from me as well!

I have been on Exante 4 days now, my plan is to do this as "total" as possible during the first 4 weeks, then have 1 meal / day weeks 5-12. My first goal is to be at the top end of overweight at 84kg - according to BMI system (I am now 108) in some 7 months. Not sure what I am doing after the 12 weeks though... have some time to think about that I guess.

Health & Happiness to all.

Yes, we can!