Hi, yes I am enjoying so far.
I feel better in myself body wise, I don't feel bloated, am amazed at how I don't seem to suffer clawing hunger like I used to on other diets, esp when it was very close to a mealtime. yes there are things i am missing, but I am staying strong.
My daughter tried tempting me with an ice lolly the other day and when i said i can't, she said, mummy just have one and pretend you didn't have it. I told her it was naughty to try to make me break my diet, she didn't understand what I had said, once i explained she was very sorry to have tempted me LOL. I actually came to the rescue today, I have been carrying around suger free gum, we were out shoppiing and the both said they were thirsty. i whip out the gum and offer them a piece

I bought myself a mini grater today for ginger, and I also got a garlic chopper. I hate cutting it and it can sometiems waste a lot when crushing. I can chop a few cloves at a time, and then wrap in cling film and freeze. It will probably be used over a couple of days, but it saves time.
I have 1 more day of Attack and then a PV day on Monday. Am really looking forward to it. Also to being able to have porridge with Oatbran and still have some left for something else.
right its bed time, I'm tired now.