Silver Member
PMSL I think the lady does protest too much LOL I had actually forgotten the praline thing tho. OMG so funny.
Change threads and tell me more....
Change threads and tell me more....
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, but I started on Dukan on Saturday, so I'm on day 5 of my 7 day attack phase. Really pleased with the results so far, lost 6lb this week, and somehow managed 3.5 lb in the week and half between deciding to do it and actually starting, so it's a good head start I think.
My Mum and Auntie put me on to it as they've been doing it with great results and they are a support but it looked so friendly here I thought I'd join the forum too.
Hello All,
I´ve been lurking on here for a couple of weeks and see you are a very friendly lot so I decided it´s time for me to join in!
I have been on the Dukan Diet since 1st Nov and have lost 4.7 kgs - I was on Atkins for 3 months before that and was stalled for 7 weeks so had a look at Dukan as I didn´t like the amount of fat I was eating.
I have struggled with my weight since my 20´s. In 2007-2008 I lost 24 kilos doing what I though was an Atkins style diet - I now realise it was more of a Dukan Style diet! But then I had a problem with my lower spine and was in terrible pain for months - spent most of my time in bed and was taking serious painkillers. But In January this year I had Spinal Fusion surgery and I am on the road to full recovery. But my lovely doctor has told me to lose weight or my spine will be under too much strain and I might need more surgery in time.
In June I was 120.2 kilos! So here I am on the Dukan Diet and losing weight again......this time it´s for good as I really don´t want to have any more surgery on my back!
I live in Spain, (Irish ex-pat) and love my life here.