Hello Everyone!
It's 1.00am and I've just signed up to minimins.
A bit about me...
Real name is Laura, but am known to answer to pretty much anything hurled at me. I get married in December this year :character00250: We've been engaged since May 2010 and since then I was determined to lose weight, save lots of money blah blah blah. Well..... 9 months to go and I've put about 1.5 stone ON since then so currently weigh over 300lbs

and t'other half about the same. Right pair of chubsters we are.
We're also very poor and wonder where all the money is we've supposed to have saved, lol. A little of that is why I'm here. I would love to go to a weekly group, but literally the wedding and honeymoon is taking up every spare penny so for now, I've got to use the books I had from a couple of years ago (never started it then) and muddle my way through a bit. I'm not a cheapskate though, if I could afford the group then I would pay to go.
So... My wedding dress! I ordered this in October 2010 as the one I fell in love with was being discontinued... this currently doesn't fit. Not by much I might add... but I really really want to have it taken in for fittings, not rejoicing because it just fastens!
Also, Honeymoon. Florida. Lots of walking, a LONG flight in SMALL seats for a UK size 28 is nightmare inducing. Fiancé's first flight too so I've chucked him in at the deep end. Then there are the theme park rides. We can't go all the way over there and then not be able to ride anything because we can't fit!! It's highly embarrassing to bare all of this, but then I think s0d it. Why shouldn't I admit to myself, and all you faceless champions what worries are going through my mind, and how stupid I am not to have fixed it before now. There is literally 9 months to go before the wedding in December...I can't set a goal because I have no idea what's achievable and what isn't. 2lbs a week would be approx 5 stone, but there are always up's and down's right?
I am the worlds worst at anything to do with exercise. MOSTLY because of my size and weight, but partly to do with damaged hip and cracked coccyx bone from getting hit by a bus in 2001.. yep... When someone tells you that you should do something adventurous because you might get hit by a bus tomorrow... LISTEN to them lol. I also have very bad will power and PCOS, not helped by the weight not helped by the PCOS. Vicious circle. No excuse tho. I'm the one who buys the big bars of dairy milk from the shop and devours it in about 15 minutes so I should answer to the skinny girl inside (I didn't eat her btw).
I started the Dukan diet last week, we're both meat eaters so how hard could it be? Let me tell you, it's HARD. Day 2 I decided that it wasn't for me. I felt sick. I couldn't even drink my sugar free squash on it!
So here I am. Slimming World. Desperately wanting it to work and desperately wanting myself to make it work.
It's equally as hard for everyone, but I so admire those who make it a success.. I hope that this time next year, I'll be back off my honeymoon telling all of my new friends on Minimins what a fabulous time I had.
I'm reading up on the rules and why's of this forum, hoping I don't break any, but bear with me guys. I'm fragile. :hug99: