Well, Kirby's refeeding.

The results are in!

I'm up half a pound. I'll take it! Given that I usually gain more than that anyway during my time off the month!

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Awesome news KG! Love reading this as i'm so close to refeeding myself!
Thanks! It really helps to keep a diary on here, too.

My pharm was pleased with me - she said a lot of people can gain up to a half stone in water/glycogen weight (but that usually levels off and you start to lose it again once your body gets used to eating carbs again!)

Anyway, I had a maintenance bar for breakfast again, and will have another hummus and salad and turkey slices pitta for lunch. I bought a new packet of pittas - WW brand this time. They're not wholewheat, but they're fewer calories.
And for dinner, salmon darne with sweet potatoe mash and salad.

I know I was going to start refeed over again from Day 1, but now I'm kind of scared of phasing out carbs again and then introducing them again 4 days later...!

I'm also going to cut down on the pistachio nuts this week, maybe switch to a nut that I like less, like walnuts...I just can't control myself around pistachios!
Gahhhh, every time I have weighed myself I feel like I have put on weight, even though I'm following low calorie, low-fat, low-carb, etc. So I have stepped up the exercise. This morning I joined a class at my gym called "Total Tone". God Above the Almighty Divine. My hamstrings. At least, I think it's my hamstrings. I was never great at biology. Terrifying class leader lady kept yelling "PUSH IT PUSH IT PUSH IT! FEEL THE BUUURRRRNNNN, CAN YOU ALL FEEL THE BUUURRRRNNNNN??". ***** God. Feel it? My hamstrings nearly went on fire.

Anyway. Long day today - gym 7-8, work 9-5, library 5-10pm, so I've brought all 3 meals in with me.

Pre-gym snack: some berries in 2 tablespoons of fat free yogurt.
Post-gym breakfast, maintenance bar.

Lunch: Pitta - I've discovered a great brand of pitta, they're very thin, but much bigger, more like wraps really, and they're the same calories as the tiny pathetic ones I was having before. Win. Hummus, relish, lettuce, bell peppers, onion, turkey slices.

Dinner later: Egg salad. 2 eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, peppers, a pickle. (Trying to cut back to one carb portion a day).
Long day KG!

What pittas are you using? I tried them Warburton sandwich thins today and.....WOW!
Ooh I don't think I've ever seen those! Mine are just Dunnes Stores brand, I think, an Irish brand. 135 kcal, and they're really big.

I weighed myself on my own scales this morning, and I am finally back to the weight I was before re-feeding...bit depressing to be back to the same weigh after almost 2 weeks, but that's refeeding, I guess! For some people.

I had, today - breakfast, 2 tablespoons of fat free yogurt with berries and a few mixed nuts.
then I met a friend for coffee, and had a maintenance bar while he tucked into his pancakes.

Lunch was one of my pitta-wraps with 5oz chicken, relish, lettuce, red bell peppers, and onion, and small takeaway cup of tomato soup (which tasted creamy, so I suspect foul play in the form of high calories - eep!)

Haven't decided on dinner yet, but as I said, I am trying to cut down on carbs to one portion a day until I'm sure my weight has levelled off and my body has readjusted to carbs, so I'll probably just have poached eggs on...nothing, lol. Plate. Poached eggs on plate. There we go.
Ok. Weigh day. I'm down half a pound which, given I was up half a pound last week, means I'm the same weight I was 2 weeks ago. Which- and I know it's good to be stable while on refeed- is still kinda frustrating to have stalled when I wanted to be well into the ten stone bracket by Christmas.

So I've taken the decision to go to two maintenance products and one meal (plus small snacks of fruit nuts and yogurt) for the next two weeks and see how I go! I bought a box of caramel bars and a box of summer fruits shake. Sigh, shakes. :)

And my meals are all going to be fish based because it seems like a cleaner protein than meat.
Have have replaced pistachio nuts with raisins, which aren't exactly low cal either. Floops.

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Pre-exercise snack-berries in fat free yoghurt

Breakfast-summer fruits shake

lunch-home made pea soup
Tiger prawns with 8oz of potatoes and some veg.

Dinner-maintenance bar.

Snacks-almonds. I hate almonds so I know I won't overdose like with the pistachios! Just 2 or 3 when I feel hungry. Good protein.
Mmm, mixed some fat free elderberry yoghurt and some berries in with my maintenance shake. Much better!

Tuna fish pitta and salad with pea soup.

Maintenance bar.
I baked healthy breakfast banana muffins. Sugar free, dairy free, wheat free, sweetened with Apple sauce and banana. They're tasty but a bit dry-nice with some fat free yogurt :)
I baked healthy breakfast banana muffins. Sugar free, dairy free, wheat free, sweetened with Apple sauce and banana. They're tasty but a bit dry-nice with some fat free yogurt :)

could you post the recipe etc for that, sounds good :)

h x
Keep it up KG :)

(not the choccy biscuits lol)
Yes, I was up three pounds the next day after the biscuits yikes! Which I know was just water and bloat from the unexpected carbs and sugar as you can't actually gain real weight that quickly. But I cut back yesterday and had mainly proteins with very few carbs, so I'm back down the 3 pounds today.

I've been the same weight for the past three weeks now, which is frustrating. Haven't dropped at all. Haven't gained, which is good, but I'm tired of carefully watching what I eat and remaining the same weight...
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I got the recipe from the first thing that came up when I Googled banana muffins-I think it was Allrecipes.com - and made the following substitutions... Xylitol (low carb, diabetic friendly sugar available in health shops) instead of sugar, apple puree instead of butter and maize flour instead of regular white. As I said they were quite dry! But tasty. Next time I might throw in some oil for moisture.
weigh-in this morning at pharmacist - down half a pound. That's a pound in three weeks - it's crawling off! Better down than up I guess.

Shake for breakfast with a couple of berries and some fat free yogurt thrown in.

Tacos for lunch - small taco shells are only 67 calories, so I had three. 4 oz Lean beef, spices and veg.

Will have maintenance bar for tea.
Well done KG, in my books ANY weightloss whilst eating is a result!

Keep it up :)
Right lads, for anyone's who's been following my various misdemeanors and has been wondering where I've been for the last...almost 4 months!

I put up 9 lbs over Christmas, but it was clearly just water retention/carb bloat because I lost it in the space of about 5 or 6 days as soon as I began eating healthily again. I didn't really watch what I ate over Christmas, but only for the 3 day period, that was the deal I made with myself :)

Everything went fine in Jan/Feb, I kept kinda bouncing up and down within the same half-stone bracket, between about 10st 9 and 11st 3.

Then in March, I had a big singing convention with 150 visiting singers, SO much food and SO much drinking and very little time for water or exercise. And y'know, I had a bit of a falling off the wagon that went on and off for about the next month. I could feel myself gaining and getting bigger, so I panicked a bit and thought a couple of weeks would knock off the excess weight and, more importantly, put me into a zone where I appreciated food more (remember how squealy and excited I was for a simple turkey salad at the beginning of my refeed!)

So I tried TRF 3 weeks ago, and it didn't take; I caved by day 2. I guess you just have to be in the right frame of mind, and I just wasn't.
Back on it again since last week; Day6 and doing well, first weigh-in tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.
