Were you always "big"??

The simplist answer is YES!

I was one of these "fat" children who in High School my mum had a nigtmare time trying to find skirts in a 16 that I was alowed to wear!!

I always found an excuse though not to loose the weight, now no excuse, just hard work and commitment to loose it!!
Firstly ...do we actually do PC on here...i wouldnt say so lol

No, was very very slim until 4 1/2 ish yrs ago split with my baby's dad and started eating outts bordem, depression and just because ...also was put on anti d's and changed medication about 4 times (added to the increase but i still ate) so slowly over the 4/5 yrs or so i got up to a size 14 - 16 is and decided it had to stop!!!!
always been overweight but not as big as i am now, going through school i was skinny as hell put weight on when i stopped playing football and started drinking!

I have pretty much always had a weight 'problem' as a young child 7 onwards I was left on my own quite a lot, school holidays, after school etc etc (don't ask !!!) and my only friend was food - At school I was never v overweight BUT I was carrying extra, WW at 13 helped shift a stone - by then I was 5ft 3, big boobs and boys to play with which kept me entertained for a while. From 17-18 I was hefty having had a boyfriend for a few years and indulged ! Once dumped, i lost weight got a new boyfriend, married quickly, got fat, and less than 4 years later, divorced, got very thin (poorly thin) stayed slim for about 3 years, contented with new man and grew again !!! Unhappy..lost weight long distance relationship - man moved up north, got fat again !! Had a rough time lost 4 stone, felt great - went out lots freaked out for a while (can't tell you what) got a reality check and settled down and got fat and contented again - so here I am the classic yoyo, emotional eater - All is great in my life apart from my fat arse !!:cry: I will always struggle with my weight because I enjoy eating and the taste of food - no amount of Paul Mckenna will change that (oh and i'm lazy, which is one thing which I need to address if a want to stay a 'healthy' weigh which allow me to indulge a little (sorry for the essay !);)
I have always been big too. My father took me to a dietician and told me I was fat at 7 years old! I think that instilled a strong fear of dieting in me. Longest I have ever lasted on a diet is about 3 weeks, and even then I only did that about 3 times. I'll be on LT 4 weeks tomorrow, so it's a big event.
I gained weight proportionatly until about 16 when I lost a lot without trying, then did Atkins for 3 weeks n lost some more. I was my slimmest then. About a size 14, around 12 st I think. Then I put it all back on within the year and hovered at 14st 10lb for four years til I moved out of home 10 months ago. I put on 3 stone. My mum always monitored what I ate, so I had very little control, and I'm a good cook.
My first big goal is to get back to 14st 10lb.
I have PCOS and tend to comfort eat, so that didn't help. I reckon I do have a fat gene, but all the crap I ate was wat caused me to gain weight. I gained no weight going on the Pill. The Pills I took were Dianette, Yasmin, and Celeste, and my Endocrinologist told me none of them cause weight gain, or acne.
Came off Celeste 4 months ago cos blood pressure was up!
I laugh now when I think that there were times when I was in secondary school when my Mum thought I had anorexia I was that thin. My problems started first at college hanging around eating junk between lectures, put on over a stone, I'm five foot 10 so can carry a certain amount but then I started a training contract that I had to stick with for four years. It involved working away from home and staying in hotels quite a bit which meant lots of four course dinners and then I was comfort eating as I hated the job. Once you get into the habit of eating loads of junk it's downhill all the way and last year I hit my peak at 21 and a half stone. Am now 13 stone 13 thanks to LT and need to lose another 1 stone 5 to get to my target weight which I hope to do in the next couple of months.
Been fat since the day I was born. I came out at 9lb (my poor mum... but then my sis came out at 9lb13oz!) not a chubby baby but a fat one. I was the fat kid all the way through primary and ballooned to at least 15st age 14-15, size 18-20. At 16 I got down to 13st without trying it just came off, then I met my bf (soon to be husband 5 years on) and we got happy and comfort set in. We both ate alot going out and eating the wrong things and both put weight on. Thing is he started out 8.5stone wet thru so got up to normal weight and I went back to 15st. Lost 2st a couple of yr ago thru WW but had traumatic operation (had tonsils out and nearly bled to death 5 days after) and had alot of panic attacks so forgot about weight. After losing so much blood I was told to eat to build my strength up again but I carried on well after that! Now getting married in 9 week and down to 12st (would like to be 11 before wedding) so want to look good in my frock!
I was a small baby and a skinny kid then we had to move house after my parents divorce and my new school was on the doorstep instead of a nearly 3 mile bike ride away.

At 17 I was 9 1/2 stone and a size 14. I was a 16 when I got married then put weight on with each of my 3 children without losing the weight after each one.

My OH is over 6 foot and was 9 stone at 16, went up to nearly 15 stone then a couple of years ago he decided it had to go and lost 20 lb in a couple of months exercising and eating healthily - just like that!!!:whip:

I joined WW at 19 and put on half a stone!!!! I lost a lot while at uni but put it on again and more! I lost a lot of weight before the children were born on Duromine (appetite suppressers) then again about 4 years ago on Xenical.

I'm another yoyo dieter and each time I put back what I had lost plus more.:sigh:

I'm a comfort eater whilst my mum and sisters are the type who lose their appetite when they are upset!:massmoon: