I think the problem started with the vodka! I was out on the town last night and decided to have a drink. I decided that I wanted to live my life as usual - last time I stuck to the programme 100% but must admit I felt a little isolated when out on the town, but I was with good friends who understood about the programme and supported me all the way. Now I have moved I am finding it a little harder because I would have to explain it to a whole load of people I don't know really very well. TBH I just don't think I am up to that! I guess I want people to think of me as "normal", not some girl who is following a "wacky diet".
So back to last night, I went out and had one too many vodkas. The first part of the evening was good, the friends I met from M&S were all in the pub and we had a nice time chatting and catching up. The later part of the night went downhill! The "older" members of the party had all left to go home and the rest of us couldn't get in the bar that I like to go to where you can dance because the doors had closed. So we went back to the original pub and had another drink and it was dire! We ended up sitting with the friends of friends of one of the guys. They were all 18 and still in 6th form in school. I had to leave, was I as immature as that when I was 18? I really don't think I was - I was already living away from home in London by then. Maybe my perspective is skewed about what I was like back then!
So I came home, after a totally unsatisfactory night and I guess I felt I just felt so lost and lonely - I am finding it hard to adjust to my new life - once again another reason to get a life and meet some new people. The outcome of this long and winding story is that I ate food!
There is no point in documenting the whole list - but I am moving on today.
I am being kind to myself and instead of beating myself up I am using this as a way to learn about myself. At the start of the night I told myself that I would drink and not eat and if I did that only occassionally then, even if the process takes longer, I will still have a life and be able to lose weight. Last night I discovered that this will never happen! When drunk I get the munchies and the alcohol lowers my resistance to food. So whilst doing this programme I cannot drink! Others may and have done it but it seems I can't! So on a positive note I see last night as an experiment the results of which are interesting and will influence by future choices!
Finally I am moving on as normal today, I am not going to eat (even though I have thought about it) even though my head is trying to give me the excuse that I start CD tomorrow so therefore I am free to do what I like today *lol*.
I don't know if I am still in ketosis - I haven't checked but que sera sera. Today is another day!
Oh, by the way, I had my brother take some before photos. These are logging my CD journey, as I leave LL behind me! The link is as follows:
Public Album
I hate them! They are a testiment to the "failure" I am *lol*. No I do actually feel sad when I see them because of where I could have been, but by posting them I am chucking out the old me and starting on the new! The new POSITIVE me!