Got The Job!!!
I got the job - yipee! My interview was at 3.30pm and my brother drove me, bless him! He had to wait around for an hour for me but I think I would have got lost and been totally stressed. I was actually more nervous than I thought and the hour beforehand I paced around feeling rubbish and totally fat

. Wanted to eat chocolate (had a pack of Thornton truffles at the top of the stairs that I bought for my brother) - just wanted to stuff them all in! But I knew it wouldn't achieve anything and as I knew what the problem was I knew food wouldn't fix it. Time was the only fixer - getting to the interview and knocking em dead

. Had my cuppucino pack - just like LL vanilla with coffee - and didn't go overboard on the water.
The interview went well. The company is a small petroleum pump supply company (don't much more than that yet, but I'm sure I will next week) and I met a few people. It looks very friendly so I hope I'll fit in well. Met the "big boss" who came in and asked me a couple of questions and then said "well are you going to come and work for us then?". I laughed and said "Have I been offered a job?" and said of course! So this weekend is free for me then back to the daily grind. Oh goody! My hours are 8.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Hurrah, weekends back!!

My brother was chuffed too, he said "look at you, walking straight into a job". I told him it was because I was just so good. He said he's going to buy me a trumpet for christmas coz I've blown mine out

. Me the girl with the excellent self esteem *lol*.
Home again now, I'm going to have a quiet evening. Probably will chat to J on MSN. He is quite lovely! He sent me a couple of texts wishing me luck today (including one with a tip suggesting I make sure my knickers aren't stuck in my skirt during the interview *lol*). I'm a bit scared though because he has offered to buy me breakfast tomorrow morning in a pub in Llandudno we have been talking about. Yikes, I don't think I'm ready for that! I also couldn't eat the breakfast. I'm not sure what to say but I don't want to scare him away but I'm not ready to meet him yet! Oh bugger! He lives in Wolverhampton so it would be a bit of a way to come, so he must be quite keen! Umm, I think I need to think about what I'm going to say!
Also, I'm a bit fed up with P. After the lovely phone call we had the other night he hasn't been in touch. He texted me yesterday morning and I replied, then I sent him another text yesterday evening but no reply, nothing! Not even a hello! Didn't wish me luck for today or anything. For someone that seemed so keen, I'm getting some mega mixed messages! So I don't know whether he's playing me or not but I ain't standing for it! Sent him a text earlier saying he had been quiet asked if he was OK and if he wasn't interested anymore then I would rather he tell me. Do you think that was too forward? I am not trying to do it to be clingy or possesive but if he wants to woo me it takes more than being nice every few days *lol*. I don't think I'm asking too much! He hasn't replied but he has tried to call me - I missed the call because I was making tea. Had Oriental Chilli soup - just like LL Thai Chilli - thumbs down!
Glad I didn't cave in and eat earlier, I feel much more in control. I have still got one pack left to go today, another couple of litres of water and no more need to sit for hours writing job applications. Yey, could life get any better!