Never give up
Linzi! How could you! (Well I know how - they're everywhere, sexy little blighters)!!!
How many carbs in a rose? Coming over all Shakespearian here...
Joop - that's a definite naughty giggle there missy! Is that the sound of a cork popping I just heard? Is this a pre-London treat?
I (completely arbitrarily) count all wine as 10 carbs per bottle. That may or may not be what's actually in a bottle, but there are such wildly varying 'expert' opinions on the net, and it's a nice round figure.
Thanks for bigging me up as the expert Suse - all puffed up now! xxx
Joop - that's a definite naughty giggle there missy! Is that the sound of a cork popping I just heard? Is this a pre-London treat?
I (completely arbitrarily) count all wine as 10 carbs per bottle. That may or may not be what's actually in a bottle, but there are such wildly varying 'expert' opinions on the net, and it's a nice round figure.