i dont think im going to come on this forum anymore, really no need for all this backbiting
i know its nothing to do with me but life is too
bl@@dy hard and short for all this behaviour and i dont really want to see it when i come on here..this forum is supposed to be for advise and support for one another, not slagging one another off!! i hate it
h x
Sorry you feel that way, but let's face it:-
1) over the entire set of exante threads everyone's actually pretty damn reasonable and very encouraging;
2) other fora are worse;
3) when writing or reading on a forum one does not have the benefit of voice inflection or facial expression, so it's an occupational hazard that things sometimes get taken out of context;
5) Human nature dictates that where large bunch of people are together expressing opinions, not everyone's going to get on, all the time. That counts for the office, the pub, the Guardian letters page, and
even here...
4) Given the conditions under which we choose to diet, it's not unusual that some of us are a bit cranky, occasionally. Jesus wept, I'm more guilty of that than most... You can tell - sometimes my posts get a bit... blunt.
If everyone was nice to each other all the time, I'd wonder what planet you were all on - it would certainly not be reflective of real life, real people's emotional states, and real people's difficulties.
That would make me run for the hills...
So in short, let's keep things in perspective, shall we? It's
just a forum. And a few snipes on one solitary thread do not a bad atmosphere make.