Last Christmas I was partially on plan and ended up with an overall loss of 0.5lb which I was really happy with. I did have a few treats but mainly stayed on plan. I also won slimmer of week the week after Christmas as I was the only person in my group who lost anything so won by default lol.
This Christmas I may or may not still be pregnant - baby is due on 14th December so if I go late I could still be pregnant on Christmas Day! So I have no plans for Christmas at all yet, there doesn't seem to be much point in planning anything until I know what's going on and I can't even think about whether I'll be on plan or not.
Honestly though, all I really want for Christmas is a healthy little baby. And as an extra bonus I should get a nice weight loss over the festive period lol!
If I do have the baby on time though there is only one other little thing I want for Christmas - a cheese board! I am missing stilton and brie so much and I want a big plate of stinky cheese, crackers and chutney

So baby weight aside, can't see me losing much this year! x