What are you up to today then?

Took a pic before they come to replace it. :) We think it was done when we were at the hotel as there was building work going on.


That's not good.. hope you get some comp!
Going to do some online shopping for some baby clothes, then do some cleaning :)
Cleaning /Asda food shop.
Cooking a yummy dinner
Cinemas with my boyfriend
Work unfortunately! Only until 2:45pm though which isn't too bad, except today is dragging! I can't believe it's only 10am. I feel like I've been here for a full day already.

Tonight we're going out to Nando's for tea and then it's back home for a snuggly DVD night with a few sweeties, etc. Can't wait :)

What's everyone else up to?
At work until about 4pm today, then going to go home and get a bit of housework done. There's a pile of ironing that is getting as tall as I am! Then Warren is coming round for a few hours, so it'll be a cosy night in front of the TV :)
I'm going to get the spare bedroom done.I should of done it 4 weeks ago but son was here so my plans changed. I WILL finish it by Friday. :)

This evening we are going to put masking tape around the windows in the kitchen prior to painting it.

Such exciting lives we have!

Been to Morrisons for lunch and had yummy roast chicken.