pizza hut, the day is finally here which I've been saving my syns for... planning on using 56 syns, but it might be less if I can't eat it all (chances are I will be able to) I had 1.5 syns this morning as well
Just ate some chicken before checking and its 12 syns for the pack luckily I checked after eating two slices so counting 1 syn for that (really not worth it either) glad I did check though as was planning on having some on my salad today!
So that's 1 syn for chicken
1 syn for thai green curry paste
not sure what else I'll use my syns on, maybe a fudge (6 syns) or a chocolate biscuit (4.5) or if I'm feeling really naughty I'll have a maltesers bunny (8.5 syns)
Hartleys jelly .5 wm bread 3 options 2 milkybar 3.5 and 6 x animal butter biscuits 3 =12 syns for the day. Pleased with that as not been using many lately and aiming for 10 a day now. Got quite a bit for 12 syns too