What are you using your syns on today?

animal biscuits - 5
quavers - 4.5
hot chocolate - 2

Oh em gee... are quavers really only 4.5 syns??? You have MADE MY DAY!

Today - the usual agave nectar on my porridge (0.5 syns)
munch size cadbury caramel (3.5)
half sugar in my tea (x2) (1 syn)

5 syns so far... The day's nowhere near over, yet, though
1 - flora light
0.5 - extra light mayo
2.5 - dolmio sauce
2 - hot chocolate
5 - 4x chocolate fingers (2xdark, 2xwhite)

Total - 11
Oh em gee... are quavers really only 4.5 syns??? You have MADE MY DAY!

Today - the usual agave nectar on my porridge (0.5 syns)
munch size cadbury caramel (3.5)
half sugar in my tea (x2) (1 syn)

5 syns so far... The day's nowhere near over, yet, though

The ones in the multipacks are 4.5 and the bigger ones are higher but I'm not sure how much higher. X
1.5 - extra light mayo
1 - flora light
2 - hot choc
2.5 - 2x dark chocolate fingers

So 7 for me today :)
Greek Style Muller 0.5 syns
HiFi Bar 6 syns

6.5 :)
1.5 - extra light mayo
1 - flora light
6 - mini roll
3.5 - bag meanies
7 - cadburys flake

Total - 19
Went over today but I'm forgiving myself as I've been well under every other day this week. ?
cadbrys highlight...2 syns....
- Strawberry Danio yogurt (1)
- 3 x slices of Chorizo (2.5)
- Haribo sugar free Bonissimo (6.5)

10 Syns in total for today! :)
1 - xtra light mayo
2 - oil
2 - mint hot choc
2.5 - 2x white choc fingers

Total - 7.5 :)