What are you using your syns on today?

Just wondering - I do mostly EE days, so get one HExB choice per day - are the Alpen light bars 1 for your HExB or 2 for your HExB? Because some people say different (and if they are 2 for 1 HExB then great - but it just seems like a lot!) x
Yeah they're 2 :) x
1 tbsp extra light mayo - 1 syn
curly wurly - 6 syns
cheese and onion lites - 4 1/2 syns

Total syns used: 11 1/2 :(
2 x meat free sausages - 2
hash brown - 2
vegetable chicken sizzler - 2
pom bears - 4
tassimo cappuccino pod - 3
mustard - 1

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space raiders 3
pasta and sauce 1
Mikado sticks 1

= 5 syns
Milk - 1
Pom bears x 2 - 8
Pasta and sauce - 1.5
4 mini x spicy chicken breasts - 2
Mccain baked potato - 1

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its my aunties birthday cake so I will have a peace am not sure of the syns but am gunna have it anyway :p
Bagel - 10
Philly light - 2.5
5 Mikado sticks - 2.5

12 syns on 85% dark chocolate and 2 syns on a highlights Cadbury drink, One on a little bit of sugar in the bolognaise sauce.
Low low tikka masala - 4
Pickle - 1
Couscous - 3
Space raiders - 3
Pom bears - 4
Mac n cheese - 1.5

16.5 :)
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Tassimo coffee - 3
2 x Iceland hash browns - 4
Low low tomato chicken meal - 2.5
Pom bears - 4

13.5 :)
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