What did your LO eat today (weaning)

Hi girls sorry havent been on for few days been mad busy . Amelia been doing great with her solids . She has been having 3 meals a day and four or five bottles a day aldepending. She has been sleeping through great without her dream feed too
Today she has had

7.30 fruity porridge 6oz

11.30 choc pudding 6oz

3.30 carrot and butternut squash and 11oz
Teddy had

Breakfast - 5oz, 1/2 banana mixed with organix banana porridge

Lunch - 1/2 hipp tomato and courgette pasta, 1/2 apple and cherry organix pot, 7oz

Dinner - 1/2 Heinz caribbean pork, plum yoghurt - strawberry and blueberry, 7oz

Snack - organix biscuit (ate about half)

Bedtime - 7oz

Gunna start giving him just savoury at lunch instead of sweet too I think,
Bought all his baby food, got a big pouch of Ella's porridge, 8 organix pots and 5 Ella's pouches, I'll let him eat bits of finger food too and there is apple sauce and yoghurt at breakfast so he can have that too, got all his feeds in ready made cartons aswell
I'm gunna buy big pack of nappies and get extra wipes at weekend.
Im not got a steriliser we have a microwave one would've just took big one but it's broke, just gunna soak in boiling water like I did at beginning when I was breast feeding and he only had odd bottle. I stopped sterilising Jesse bottles at 6 months so gunna stop soon anyway z
Meant to say teddy really good with finger food he likes banana and toast, I did blw with Jesse so as teddy get bigger gunna start him more that way too, I started Jesse cus he wouldn't go to stage 2 with lumps but would eat himself anything fine x
You sound really organised hun our steriliser is a mirowave one, we still debating to go, we saw a deal for feb actually on Maisies birthday but we got loads of things we need to pay off early next yr so we thinking of being sensible and get all our bills out of the way first x

I will try again with finger foods, I tried banana the other day she wasnt keen, she's really not great at the moment teething badly so might just stick wiv purees till she's better. BLW sounds good for Teddy as he enjoys his finger foods x
Aw bless teddy is teething too can see his teeth just under the gums, think that's why he likes his sippy cup cus he chews it lol!

Teddy had today

Breakfast - 4.5 oz, organix banana porridge pot

Lunch - 7oz, full pouch of Ella's kitchen green beans, raisins and apples

Dinner - 7oz, 1/2 hipp veg risotto, 1/2 organix apple and cherry

Bedtime - will offer 7oz

He's also had sips of water through day as getting abit constipated, about 1oz in total x
About Disney, we paid £398 for 4 nights 5 days at Cheyenne and were driving there so work out okay, I thought that was really cheap too! Jesse also has an annual pass that my sister got free on an offer when she bought hers so we get 10% discount on all food and 20% off all purchases on shops so I think that will save us loads of money! x
Thats a really good price for disney, it be nice going their this time of yr wiv their Christmas celebrations, those discounts for the food and shop will save you loads-lucky you! if we went I think we be eating mc donalds alot cos the food is really expensive there isnt it. We still thinking of booking just trying to find good deals to go by eurostar that matches wiv cheap dates for disney it works out you save loads booking them seperate, we cud drive but cos we live nr london its easier just to get on a train x
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Cas3 said:
Thats a really good price for disney, it be nice going their this time of yr wiv their Christmas celebrations, those discounts for the food and shop will save you loads-lucky you! if we went I think we be eating mc donalds alot cos the food is really expensive there isnt it. We still thinking of booking just trying to find good deals to go by eurostar that matches wiv cheap dates for disney it works out you save loads booking them seperate, we cud drive but cos we live nr london its easier just to get on a train x

Yeah if we lived nearer the train we would go by Eurostar cus Stuart don't like driving all the way, we're stopping in ashford over night both ways though so should make it easier and split it up abit, it is expensive but iv bought loads of snacks to take with us and drinks, I just went home bargains and got loads so we won't need a proper dinner and have a nice tea at night, will only be paying for us cus kids wont eat much Jesse can just share with us and I'm gunna make some sandwiches up off breakfast buffet lol! Seen loads doing it last time do gunna take some sandwich bags, you can get set menus in most of the restaurants too so doesn't work out that expensive only bout same as tgis or Frankie and bennys x
Well hollie's done bit better with finger foods, she's been chewing on a rusk today I guess she's just not keen on fruit or veg! but I think it helped wiv the teething.


10.00 5oz

1.00 1/4 of rusk (finger food) plum's peach yogurt 2oz

5.00 homemade potato, parnsnip and carrot, only couple of spoons, heniz custard wiv rice.

5.30ish 4oz's

Will offer her a bedtime feed later.

I think I might get some finger snacks in for her to try as rusks are not healthiest things x
Yeah if we lived nearer the train we would go by Eurostar cus Stuart don't like driving all the way, we're stopping in ashford over night both ways though so should make it easier and split it up abit, it is expensive but iv bought loads of snacks to take with us and drinks, I just went home bargains and got loads so we won't need a proper dinner and have a nice tea at night, will only be paying for us cus kids wont eat much Jesse can just share with us and I'm gunna make some sandwiches up off breakfast buffet lol! Seen loads doing it last time do gunna take some sandwich bags, you can get set menus in most of the restaurants too so doesn't work out that expensive only bout same as tgis or Frankie and bennys x

They all seem to do that wiv breakfasts last time our travel agent suggested for us to do that we didnt but we should of thinking about it now. Its good going by car as you can take loads of stuff wiv you and you wont need to struggle carrying it on train. There are some lovely places there to eat out your have a fab time x
Cas3 said:
They all seem to do that wiv breakfasts last time our travel agent suggested for us to do that we didnt but we should of thinking about it now. Its good going by car as you can take loads of stuff wiv you and you wont need to struggle carrying it on train. There are some lovely places there to eat out your have a fab time x

Yeah all Disney hotels include breakfast which is good and I love breakfast too loads of fresh French pastries and croissants lol!
Teddy had

Breakfast - 5oz, organix apple and blueberry pot

Lunch - 5oz, 1/2 hipp veg risotto, 1/2 little stars blackcurrant yoghurt

Snack - 3 organix carrot puffs

Dinner - full pouch Ella's kitchen pumpkin sweetcorn and peas, 7oz

Bedtime - 5oz

He's had about 1oz of water through day too
Yesterday amelia had
7.30 fruity porridge 5oz

11.30 Heinz Sunday dinner 7oz

3.30 homemade mash parsnip And gravy with lil bit of butternut squash, 5oz

7 7oz

9.30 11oz

Didn't go to bedtil 10.30 but slept til 8.15
Cas3 said:
Teddy's eaten well, I brought some of those carrot puffs for Hollie to try. I do love a nice crossiant and coffee x

He didn't end up havin bedtime bottle so only had 17oz yesterday, he slept right through though! Couldn't wake him up for it lol!
He seemed to love then carrot puffs he just left s little bit at the end of each what his hand was round lol x
Teddy had

Breakfast - 5oz, organix banana porridge pot

Lunch - 5oz, 1/2 Heinz shepherds pie, plum yoghurt - mango and peach

Dinner - 5oz, 1/2 hipp cheesy spinach bake, 1/2 organix apple and strawberry pot

Bedtime - 6oz