Hi ladies..
Hope you don't mind me popping in..... having gained some of my weight back I am back with vengence..
Those things for teething are biccie pegs and I have 2 or 3 unopened boxes if anyone wants to try them..charlie turned his nose up at them... although its only a few weeks since his first tushypeg made an appearance.
CharlieB is 9 months today and he has his mummies love of food...

.... in fact the only thing he has turned his nose up at so far has been chocolate (someone tried to give him a piece of jaffa cake and he spat it stright out) and when I first started weaning him I tried to take the edge off some stewed fruit with baby rice and he was having none of it,,, but he loved the fruit on its own

He is still badooby fed but today has eaten:-
[*]3/4 weetabix with 1/2 mashed banana
[*]home made butternut squash soup with a little Lancashire cheese crumbled in and a little bread
[*]most of an individual egg custard
[*]jacket potato with cauliflower and broccoli cheese and the filling from the other eggy custard....
[*]and inbetweenies have been a chunk off apple in one of those net things, and a clementine,,
He seems to like really strong tastes.. his fave foods seem to be spinach, asparagus, broccoli
Tomorrow Im going to make him a beef casserole -well Im making one for us all and will take his share out before I add oxo, etc..and just adapt his portion.
Here are a few pics of my little monkey bum...
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=72698"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=72699"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=72700"/>