What did your LO eat today (weaning)

With teddy he cries after 7pz sometimes and wants more but I tried upping his oz and he was throwing up, couldn't cope with all the liquid that's why I started on solids and he's much happier!
Got a chicken casserole jar to try him on I'm scared though, not had meat yet. Don't know what I thinks gunna happen Jesse was on 3 proper meals a day by this age lol x
That's what i need to start doing jus going with each day as I was in such a routine with her feeds etc that when she was crying after two hours I was saying well she not due to be fed but I need to stop trying to stick to such a regime and go with her
I go with the flow dont worry to much about routines they tend to form their own, I dont have set times for sleep etc just go with when she's tired etc most nights she's asleep by 9 so I usually put my other lil girl bed about 7.30 x

Thats good about Teddy, I havent tried Hollie with meat either when I do I start with chicken, the main thing with Hollie is sometimes she wont have any milk during evenings even though she probably wants it she refuses it, I wud like her to have a bottle before going to bed but often her last feed is around tea time so some days she takes really little milk x
I never tried getting teddy in a routine he did it himself, Jesse never had one but since I have to take Jesse school and pick up etc now they both have a kind of routine though not strict he can go sleep whenever he wants in the day I don't try and get him down at certain times.

I think I'm gunna wait til end of the week to try him with that chicken incase it give him belly ache rather be on a day I don't have to keep sticking him in and out the pram x
Couple pictures teddy, eating a banana and sitting in his new chair x


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Teddy had today

Breakfast - 7oz bottle

Lunch - cheesy spinach and potato bake, .7oz

Dinner - organix cherry and apple fruit pot, 7oz

Bedtime - 7oz

I've decided to give ted about 100g instead of about 50g at lunchtime now aswell as tea time, bought some plum baby yoghurts for him to try too it's just natural yoghurt no added sugar just fruit purées :) starting him on breakfast next week or maybe weekend!

Breakfast - 7oz

Lunch - 1/2 jar hipp cheesy spinach and potato bake, 1/2 pouch plum baby blueberry banana and vanilla, 7oz

Dinner - organix banana porridge, 7oz

Bedtime - 7oz
Amelia today

8.00 milk

11.00 milk and pear

2.00 milk and carrots purée

5.00 milk

8 milk

Bed at 9

Dreamfeed 11.00

All week I have been questioning why Amelia has suddenly started going three hours instead of four or more and having more feeds and I changed her I to hungry baby milk few weeks ago as and kept one bottle a day on normal but last week changes her back to norm as she was being sick a lot and I think she needs to go back to hungry milk as norm isnt satisfying her
Jesse was on hungry baby from 2 week old, I've never put teddy on it it can make them constipated and he can get like that anyway so didn't wanna make it worse, he don't seem to need it anyway x
Teddy had

Breakfast - 7oz

Lunch - 1/2 Ella's kitchen pumpkin sweetcorn and peas, plum baby mango yoghurt, 7oz

Dinner - organix apple and banana fruit pot 7oz

Bedtime - will have 7oz
Food looks nice for Teddy.


8.30- 4oz

10.00- cow and gate fruity cereal

1.00- a few spoons of egg custard and 6oz

4.30 half jar of hp mixed vegetables and half fruity pot- 3oz.

Bedtime - will offer another feed not sure how much she will take if any.

Going go asdas tomorrow and stock up on baby food there doing 10 jars for fiver, so I get a variety of different flavours.
I read this thing saying you should feed them a rainbow, to make sure they get all the right nutrition so I try go through all the colors over a couple of days, I think it's a really good way of doing it and make sure they get a variety, x
Did you get anything good cas?

Today teddy had

Breakfast - 7oz, soldier of toast with butter (he knew what he was doing with it but just sucked it into a mush and didn't really eat more than a tiny bite, he enjoyed it though!)

Lunch - 1/2 jar Heinz cauli and broc cheese, plum baby strawberry and blueberry yoghurt, 7oz

Dinner - 1/2 Ella's kitchen pumpkin sweetcorn and peas, 1/2 plum baby raspberry pear and apple, 7oz

Bedtime - will have 7oz

Had all his colours today! :)