What did your LO eat today (weaning)

Starting back tomorrow too, not looking forward to it either!

Hollie put something in her mouth and was choking earlier so its been a fun day, some lovely meal ideas, just be careful with grapes as they can be choking hazard and welcome nemesis :)

Hope Hollie is ok now though? (oh and thanks :) )
Good evening all
Hope everyone is well and all the little ones are thriving..

Charlies meals today have been :-

  • Cheesy jacket potato and beans
  • pasta, peas, sweetcorn, apple, clementine -on his tray
  • fish in butter sauce with cauli, broccoli, swede, carrot
  • clementine
  • 1/2 pitta bread cut into finger with cream cheese
  • 1/2 muller rice
  • apple/pear smoothy let down with a little water.....

CHarlie hasn't had any baby jars/packets as Im at home all day but I will use fish in butter sauces and some frozen mashed veggie etc.....

The 1st thing I gave him was roasted butternut squash -I think its a great one as it is sooooooooo smooth and its great for adding stronger flavours like spinach etc if you babies aren't keen.
Off the top of my head Charlie has (the red ones being faves):-

  1. caul/brocoli cheese
  2. cornedbeef hash
  3. cauli/broc/spinach/asparagus pureed
  4. ​fish in butter sauce
  5. roasted butternut squash
  6. roast veggies
  7. shepherds pie - especially with mint in
  8. pasta bolognaise
  9. stewed steak casserole
  10. roast pork dinner
  11. chicken dinner
  12. liver casserole
  13. mashed potato with cheese
  14. risotto
  15. toast with butter, cream cheese or a smidge of marmite
  16. home made soup -especially cream of tomato
and sweet things seem to be :-
  1. stewed fruit with home made custard
  2. fruit
  3. porridge with fruit/oat so simple
  4. weetabix
  5. banana custard
  6. bread n butter pud -but not often as is a little sweet for him
  7. egg custard
  8. rice pudding -especially with stewed dried fruit blitzed
I know he has tried lots more but I can't recall them right now :p.
Can I just give a word of warning about "windy foods" - I know there are obvious ones like beans etc - but watch out for liver, cauli and swede -both can be quite "gusty" and may cause tummy ache... I know because they affect me and Charlie -thing is we love em though ..so I always give him a drop of gripe water after and that seems to help..
on the topic of gagging/choking -I must admit the first time Charlie Gagged I had to make myself not panic..but talked to him calmly and low and behold he coughed it up and now he is a dab hand and coughing up anything that he has too... not that I don't silently panic sometimes...
Hope we all get a good nights sleep......
Thanks hun, Hollie was fine afterwards had to give her a couple back slaps and it came up, its just scary at the time, good luck with starting ww's :)

Capricorn, Charlie is a great eater :)
He has his mummies appetite and is a right oinky pants :p...
When I first started weaning him and I offered him a couple of tea spoons he had a melt down until I went for more :p .... he went straight to eating 3 little meals a day.... I was worried to start with as he could eat quite a lot for a little fella but the as he sealed his lips when he had eaten what he wanted I figured he knew his own appetite. 2012-08-03 11.46.38.jpgthis is one of the pics of one of his first meal -I think that one is stewed pear ...
I don't worry about his eating now as he is a solid muscular little thing and he eats a good balance
You might not find me cas im hard to find lol x

Ted had today

B - hipp strawberry yoghurt and cereal layer breakfast pot

S - 2 mini chicken rice cakes

L - 1/2 c&g cheese and veg lasagne, 1/2 clementine

D - chicken and sweet potato mash, fromage frais

S - organix biscuit, he just messed with it though

And 18oz milk
Aw! Just seen something in teds mouth n ran my finger round his gum and one side of his bottom teeth has cut through, all sharp at one side! He was up all night last night fussing I know why now! First tooth a week off 8 months, Jesse was nearly 10m with his first tooth x
Teddy had today

B - Ella's porridge with a tsp of sugar free jam

L - hm shepherds pie, Ella's banana and raisin bar

D - 1/2 c&g cheesy veg lasagne, fromage frais

Needs more fruit tomorrow!

And 14oz so far and 8oz offered at bedtime x
I'm dreading when teething begins! Sadly i have to go back to work at the end of Jan and i do shift work and i already know that Sebastian is going to start teething when i'm on my week of earlies! I have always thought that weaning and teething are a sign that my baby is no longer a baby :( They grow so fast!
Good evening all
Hope everyone is well and all the little ones are thriving..

Charlies meals today have been :-

  • Cheesy jacket potato and beans
  • pasta, peas, sweetcorn, apple, clementine -on his tray
  • fish in butter sauce with cauli, broccoli, swede, carrot
  • clementine
  • 1/2 pitta bread cut into finger with cream cheese
  • 1/2 muller rice
  • apple/pear smoothy let down with a little water.....

CHarlie hasn't had any baby jars/packets as Im at home all day but I will use fish in butter sauces and some frozen mashed veggie etc.....

The 1st thing I gave him was roasted butternut squash -I think its a great one as it is sooooooooo smooth and its great for adding stronger flavours like spinach etc if you babies aren't keen.
Off the top of my head Charlie has (the red ones being faves):-

  1. caul/brocoli cheese
  2. cornedbeef hash
  3. cauli/broc/spinach/asparagus pureed
  4. ​fish in butter sauce
  5. roasted butternut squash
  6. roast veggies
  7. shepherds pie - especially with mint in
  8. pasta bolognaise
  9. stewed steak casserole
  10. roast pork dinner
  11. chicken dinner
  12. liver casserole
  13. mashed potato with cheese
  14. risotto
  15. toast with butter, cream cheese or a smidge of marmite
  16. home made soup -especially cream of tomato
and sweet things seem to be :-
  1. stewed fruit with home made custard
  2. fruit
  3. porridge with fruit/oat so simple
  4. weetabix
  5. banana custard
  6. bread n butter pud -but not often as is a little sweet for him
  7. egg custard
  8. rice pudding -especially with stewed dried fruit blitzed
I know he has tried lots more but I can't recall them right now :p.
Can I just give a word of warning about "windy foods" - I know there are obvious ones like beans etc - but watch out for liver, cauli and swede -both can be quite "gusty" and may cause tummy ache... I know because they affect me and Charlie -thing is we love em though ..so I always give him a drop of gripe water after and that seems to help..
on the topic of gagging/choking -I must admit the first time Charlie Gagged I had to make myself not panic..but talked to him calmly and low and behold he coughed it up and now he is a dab hand and coughing up anything that he has too... not that I don't silently panic sometimes...
Hope we all get a good nights sleep......

I would love you to come cook for me!!
Teds slept at my mums tonight! He's only stayed out twice before and that was when he was tiny for things we planned before I was even pregnant!
Iv rang my mum so many times don't like it at all, he's never left my side for over 6 months lol
It's very hard. I'm leaving Sebastian for a few hours on Sunday with my boyfriends parent to get me used to being apart from him for going back to work. I'm sure Teddy had a ball with his Grandma though so try to relax and enjoy your nights sleep :)
Goooooooood evening all -hope we are all well.....

Charlies has been a little out of sorts this last couple of days .....he has had his 2nd toothy appear -so we now have 1 bottom and 1 appearing on top but boy are my boobs suffering :eek:... he has been on and off them so much I feel like my nipples have been sandpapered on an hourly basis :sigh:.... anyway on the foody front today has been:-

  • weetabix and milk
  • pear

  • home made yorkshire pud,
  • carrots,
  • green beans
  • and a smidge of gravy - he ate this whilst we ate our dinner

  • clementine

  • mashed potato
  • cauli
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • roast brisket
  • reduced meat juices
  • 1/2 muller rice

he has just had his dinner and he hardly came up for breath -guess he gums aren't hurting THAT much :p

no doubt he will help me eat my fruit in a minute... and then hopefully supper will be oat so simple with fruit.... or cheesy mash depending what mood he is in ;).

Hope everyone is getting some rest and that all the little ones are well!!
Ted is just eating some cheese and tomato pasta as I type!

Today he had

B - Ella's porridge mixed with strawberry fromage frais

L - slice of toast with butter and dairylea, 1/2 organix apple and strawberry fruit pot

D - currently eating cheese and tomato pasta bake, will give him some peach slices shortly



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Ted is just eating some cheese and tomato pasta as I type!

Today he had

B - Ella's porridge mixed with strawberry fromage frais

L - slice of toast with butter and dairylea, 1/2 organix apple and strawberry fruit pot

D - currently eating cheese and tomato pasta bake, will give him some peach slices shortly


Teddy is a little cutie even covered in food :)
Evening all

Teddy is a cutie pie :p -can I ask is he actually named teddy ? or is it Edward and you nickname him? its such a sweet name.

Well as I thought Charlie DID help me with my fruit last night and ate half a pear peeled and cut up into chunks.... and he had some apple/pear juice AND then he had his cheesy mash for supper :eat:. He is still out of sorts so had 3 badooby feeds in the night... it has to be his toothypegs as he has slept through the night since he was a few months old....so hopefully it will pass :cross:

Anyway -todays food so far has been

  • weetabix
  • banana
  • milk

  • 1/2 clementine

  • roast brisket
  • mashed potato
  • cauli
  • broccoli
  • green beans
  • meat juices

  • an individual egg custard -all but a wee bit of crust

  • a clementine -he got one out of mammas fruit bowl himself :p

he is now napping -since about 4:30pm -so no doubt he will be "starvin marvin" when he wakes up..... it may well be mash n cheese or muller rice with raspberry tonight (or both if he decides lol)and no doubt more fruit.... he has gone crazy on pears..
I have picked him up some little drop scones to try as an occasional treat -golden syrup ones and sultana and lemon ones - I figure they are quite easy for him to pick up and post in himself.... if he likes them of course!!!

ooooh and over the last couple of days he keeps threatening to walk properly :eek: -he keeps letting go of the furniture and looking at us as if to say "shall I?" -or it could be "do you realise what trouble you are in when I do this?" :p

right off for 10 mins before he wakes up... have a good
evening all

Capricorn are you back doing sw, how you finding it?

Can't believe how well Charlie is doing :) at the same time I'm thankful that Hollie's only at the crawling stage as I be running around after 2! hopefully by the time she is walking Maisie would of calmed down a lot.

Becki, hope Teddy enjoyed himself with Nanny/grandma and you had a nice break :) Nemesis hope the rest of your maternity leave doesn't go too quick.

Today Hollie's had:

6oz of formula

5oz of formula - cracker, banana half mini potato waffle.

Chicken, carrots, parsnips peas, lil baby gravey ( some mashed up and a few chunks on her tray) and a muller star yogurt.