What did your LO eat today (weaning)

Amelia lies the carrot puffs too and there great to take out with you aswell.

Yday Amelia had

7.30 creamy oat porridge and 7oz

12 fingers of toast and spaghetti

3 carrot puffs and juice

4 Rice chicken and veg and 7oz

8 12oz

How long through the night do all ur babes sleep?
Teddy goes to bed at 8 and wakes up between 1 and 6 and comes in with us, and sleeps til 8/9 this morning it was 10am!
Today teds had

B - 4oz c&g plum and apple fruit pot

S - plum cheddar wholegrain rings

L - Ella's pork roast dinner, nesquik yoghurt


D - 1/2 Heinz lamb and winter vegetables, little stars peach fromage frais

Today Amelia's had

7.30 banana porridge and 7oz

12 spaghetti and finger toast, half organic black currant and apple pudding

4 corned beef mash and 7oz

6 carrot puffs and juice

8 12oz

I am going to give Amelia her second bottle of milk back tomorrow, I took her off it a week ago but finding she must need it as she is very crabby through day, very tired all time and not sleeping as long (even though she still sleeping 10 hours) I think I may have took it off her to early so back to norm Tomoz and will see whether it makes a diff
Rrr bless teddy hope he ok. Does anyone take their lil ones to any group or play areas????
Here's a recent piccy of Amelia


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aww becca shes a sweetie :)
dylan's 1st birthday today :D !!!

so his food today will include some birthday cake hehe, he's had a trampoline and been jumping on it (and falling off it) all morning :) x
Happy birthday Dylan!

Had Naomi weighed the other day and she's 18lb's at 7 months :)

Amelia's gorgeous Becca.

Thought I'd put some recent pics of the kids up

So there's Naomi showing Jack how to use the potty and Jack still half asleep having eating toast with chocolate spread!




thank u all dylan had a lovely birthday :) heres a pic of the birthday boy dylan.jpg 25936_10151467722694560_1075955974_n.jpg

oasis, jack and naomi are adorable :) xx
Happy birthday Dylan!

Had Naomi weighed the other day and she's 18lb's at 7 months :)

Amelia's gorgeous Becca.

Thought I'd put some recent pics of the kids up

So there's Naomi showing Jack how to use the potty and Jack still half asleep having eating toast with chocolate spread!

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<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=77582"/>

Thankyou oasis, Naomi is beautiful!!!! I got Amelia weighed the other day and she weighs 19lb 9oz at 7 and half months which I think is quite a lot hehe but she loves her food
thank u all dylan had a lovely birthday :) heres a pic of the birthday boy <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=77723"/> <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=77725"/>

oasis, jack and naomi are adorable :) xx

Thanks, Dylan is absolutely gorgeous, I love his little outfit, he's so smiley xx
Thankyou oasis, Naomi is beautiful!!!! I got Amelia weighed the other day and she weighs 19lb 9oz at 7 and half months which I think is quite a lot hehe but she loves her food

Becca I don't think that's a lot and Amelia seems to do really well with her food. Naomi had some cheese tonight which she loved but I wasn't sure how much she could have because we eat mature cheddar. Then she had a mini cheddar, choked and threw up a bit! :( x