Having it for tea tonight in a stir fry (its about as close to Chinese meal as I'm allowed at the moment ) I might break a chicken oxo cube into the mix too for extra richness. Great way of adding loads of veg. I think I'm getting the idea with the propoints, I start with the zero foods, fruit and veg and gradually build a meal adding 'pointed' items in. Off to do Yoga X now.
I must say I tried this but found it a bit boring even though I had added Garlic, Chilli and Herbs. I didvided it into 4 portions, as I had added tomato passata, onions, peppers, mushrooms and peas. Three I ate as they were, the last one I added fajita spice into (medium) It was really delicious!!
It made enormous portions and at 93 calories per hundred grams it is really low, also low fat - I always look at calories although I don't count them.