Lady Marmalade
Bad girl warning...
Thanks LM,
Yes I think because i lost 11lb low carbing in a bout 4 weeks, and only 5lb ccing in a couple of months just leaves me feeling a bit low. I might try and cut out a few carbs in my calories budget to try and get the best of both worlds.
anyone else low carbing while ccing.?
Hi Jot. I do think there's something to be said for cutting back on the starchier carbs, especially if you then replace them with veggies that are higher in nutrients but lower in calories. FWIW I was a bit concerned when I made the switch from Atkins that i didn't seem to be eating nearly as much veg! I am trying to address that now.
Starchier carbs like bread, potatoes, rice and pasta are pretty high in calories as well, so it kind of makes sense to have a larger amount of lower carb AND lower cal veggies instead*.
Easy enough for me to say! I know where I've gone wrong personally and it's the booze, so I'm going to concentrate on beating that first. I know I can cut back on carbs later if my weight loss slows and I need another booster.
*I wouldn't go as low as the Atkins 20g limit though, unless you were going to also greatly increase protein intake, as you might start depleting muscle tissue rather than burning fat.