What have you just eaten??

Chicken breast wrapped in bacon, peas with a mint dressing, mushrooms in a creamy cheese sauce.

Then an aero hot chocolate drink.

100% day today woop woop
Alpen light apple & sultana and summer fruits
A banana and a can of sf red bull. Naughty I know but off to the gym and need all the help I can get!!
2 Ibuprofen, 2 Paracetamol, 1 Pregaday (I'm not, Dr prescribed as I can't take normal iron tabs, and need the Folic Acid as I have Ribena for blood!). Oh and a large black coffee.
Mid morning snack, a pear and a plum...just about to eat my second plum.
Mushroom and garlic and herb philly omelette, a banana and a coffee with sweetner and milk :)
Beans on wm toast with mushrooms, peppers and cherry tomatoes. Now enjoying a mug of green tea and avoiding the biscuit barrel - how's that for multitasking :)
C+mushroom pasta n sauce with a huge salad :) sooo hungry today!!! Roll on dinnertime for my stirfry!
what has become my usual lunch for the past couple of days: fried egg sandwich with the last of my SW ketchup :)( must make more!) and heb of wholemeal bread. Nibbled my hea of cheese while the eggs were cooking and ate an apple while the sandwich was cooling down. Mmmm.