charl_young said:Ooooo how do you make that?? Looks lush!
X Kelly X said:4 scan bran
2 eggs
1 sachet options belgiun choc
3 tbsp sweetner
3 Oreos crushed
Soak scan bran in hot water to soften and drain. In a bowl put all ingredients in and mix well.
Pop into a cake tin and cook in oven for 15 mins gas 6. Or microwave bowl and microwave for 6 mins.
I cut into 8 pieces and use 1 tsp of marshmallow fluff to the top.
Alycyn1980 said:Where do u get marshmallow fcuff from? How many syns? Looks lovely
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Keldelacoe said:£138 in amazon is that a good price? X
charl_young said:Spatchcock poussin with lentils and halloumi salad. Not made any of it before and was a good dinner!
Ddelta said:Waaaay too much Greek food, but almost all oil free so don't feel too bad about it:
Houmous 1/2 pitta
2 olives
Chicken souvlaki
Salad w sprinkling of feta
charl_young said:A load of SW curry niceness cooked by my lovely BF, bless him.
charl_young said:A load of SW curry niceness cooked by my lovely BF, bless him.
Keldelacoe said:Greek is my fav, ESP stuffed vine leaves! Boo!