What made you all get big in the first place????

You go for it Pud - you deserve it!

Love Barb xx
i was a skinny child, as a teenager purberty & starting a saturday job in a cream donut shop soon put pay to my skinny frame !
married at 12st & size 14, by time i got pregnant 4 months later i had put on 2st, didnt lose much of my preggie weight, pregnant with no2 daughter at 15st & again didn't lose much but then started putting it on again. Post natal depression x 2 didn't help either !!:rolleyes:
so here i am fighting the battle AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine was any excuse eating.

I would eat to commiserate when sad :(
I would eat to celebrate when happy :)
I would eat because I was fat, so what is the difference :confused:
I would eat while making dinner, standing up in the kitchen, then have dinner :eek: :eek:
I would eat because it was the weekend :confused:
I would eat because I was on holiday :confused: :confused:


I would eat because it was a Day with a D in it :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Of course, I only drunk diet coke :rolleyes: :rolleyes: and only drank beer on special occasions (see list above).

Therefore, I am not sure what I was doing wrong. I guess I knew I had a problem when I started to Sole Source and within a week Cadbury's announced redundancies. :eek: :eek:
Why did I get fat?

All the above reasons that everyone else has mentioned.

Plus going on diets - I always got fat after a diet because I got fed up and started eating too much again.

Lack of exercise is probably the main reason. I started dieting when a size 14 as a young teenager. I had recently stopped swimming training and wondered why I was putting on weight? Didn't figure it was anything to do with stopping swimming training. Big mistake.

Anyway, any future eating has to be balanced by exercise. There is no other way.
I've always had a problem with my weight. Even very young, my Nan said that when I was a baby the only thing that she could give me at times to stop me crying was Marmite on toast and a bottle of sweet tea........ that's never really changed and like many others food was a way to celebrate/commiserate/cheer up etc. It all got really out of hand when I started my current job. I went from being very active on a ward to a job that meant I spent a long time sitting down. Also the hours are horrendous with me working well into the early hours of the morning or completley overnight. It has been known that I would get home at 2am in the morning and cook a roast dinner, of course I would eat that then go to bed. We also ate take aways a lot at work, as it was quick and convenient. Oh and don't forget Creme Eggs.......I could live on them and would happily sit down in front of the television with a box of 6 and eat them all, and maybe get more in the same day if the mood took me, which it usually did. Evil Creme Eggs!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazzy x
I blame my weight problem on several issues,

1. Middle child syndrome.(one of 5 sisters)

2. No limitations/control on food from when I was very young.

3 Habbit.

4. Lack of self worth.

5. Loss of a third pregnancy when half way through.

6. When happy I over ate and when sad/depressed.

7. Boredom.

8. Alcohol, mainly wine!!

9.Treating food as a rewards.

10. No intake of water at all.( not being able to recognise the difference between thirst and hunger)

11. worrying about things that were out of my control.

....there are probably lots more to add to this list!! But now that I have lost weight I have to say I am full of confidence, self worth and more relaxed about everything.
This is a great thread!!
What made me big... A combination of a lot of comments above.

Main one been moving from Stockport to Staffordshire. I used to live on my own and swim 4 times a week(cause there were 2 olympic sized pools near), walk everywhere to my dad's, to my grandma's, never used to eat meat or potatoes. I was a size 8.

Moving in with partner, he used to make big meals and my mum used to shout as me and my sisters when we were younger if we did not eat all our tea so I think possibly mental thinking of that and eventually ate more and more. I started snacking, me and o/h had take-out 2/3 times a week cause of work commitments. No exercise, no walking since I passed driving test, no decent pool near here.

But now I am slowly realising that the two of us need to turn our diet around, as yes I am only 23 this year, but my partner is 14 years older than me and he has realised it is not good. So since end of the year we have not touched one take out and I have lost 4lbs and we have made a vow that every couple of months instead of what we spent on take-out we will go and stop over night in a hotel and go walking.

I think I had a long post again... whoops my fingers get carried away.
I have only myself to blame, I enjoy booze and fatty foody waaaaay more than is healthy.

I was always short and tubby but after I finally passed my driving test I gained 5 stone in 10 years :mad:
I got a little bigger after my first 2 children but only upto a size 14.When my 3rd was born poorly I managed to comfort eat/grab a bar of choccie at the hospital rather than have a meal my way to this size.Looking back i would eat a bag of wine gums and a bar of king size choclate a day and atbe a ready ,ade cheese/egg mayo sandwhich but was only eating one proper meal a week if that
the above responses realy opened my eyes, that i am not alone in why i over eat! my problems are
* like sweet tastes, at any point throughout the day!
* portion control, boyfriend is 6f 3 and v.fast metabolism, unfortunatly i used to eat the same but metabolism not as good! : (
* boyfriend works nights, alone i feel i can treat myself!
*used to do alot of exercise, college ways of eating crap never left me.
* boyfried = happy lifestile - takeaways treats etc
* as a child had horses- straight from school would get picked up and taken over there to do them- would get crisps and chocolate on way and dinner when home!
*eat when sad / eat when happy
* diet fails -comsiorate with extra choc and takeaway.

all of the above are how i know i have to change - it cant continue. and i am takingthe necessary steps to amend this bad habbits i have been accustomed to.
bad habbits = me being fat : (
1. I was brought up to 'eat well'. My mum never gave us chocolates though coz she grew up on a cocoa farm and was tired of it.

2. We were too poor to afford fast food but ate a lot of everything else. Fisrt chance I had to start earning, I was eating everything I heard of but could never afford.

4. That litle Arnold in 'different strokes' was always hungry especially if he was particularly happy or sad and it came across as quite cute and worthy of emulation.

3 . I didn't stand still as a child and up until I got my first job job walked an average of 20,000 steps a day. Once i got my first job, my eating habits remained but I only sat at my desk all day. I had started to think myself safe and unable to gain weight regardless of how i ate.

5. Culturally we celebrate with certain foods, mourn with certain foods, while away time with certain cold food, show affluency with more food (the pot belly is known as 'evidence of good living' and a status symbol in some places), make important annoucements over dinner or with a party, reward people with foodstuff, anything that cannot be classified as hot cooked food is a snack (including salads, cereal, sandwiches and pastries) regardless of quantity, the food is not complete without meat.
B-D you are so right about the exercise. I suppose now it seems like common-sense that to go from 20,000 steps a day to (probably) about 5,000 is going to make a difference to how much energy you use up. It would never occur to you (or me) to reduce my food intake to compensate!

I remember when I got my first job and the money to go with it. It was great to have the freedom to spend it on whatever I wanted! Trips to the bakery by the office at lunchtime, the sweet shop at coffee break time, the pub at lunchtime. It all adds up.

Your comments about cultural celebrations struck a chord, especially as we have just celebrated Christmas/New Year -THE blow-out fest of the year! Not to mention Easter and Birthdays!
I think that one of the many reasons why our generation of overweight /obese women originates from the World Wars. This was obviously a time when food was rationed and considered to be very precious. Therefore our parents were bought up and conditioned to eat everything on their plates and not to waste. Then in turn our parents have used this behaviour when they had their children and it followed through to us.
I have to say that now I am not bothered if my children do no eat everthing on their plates. I have really relaxed on this issue. Its no big deal really. If they are hungry then they will eat.
I just thought that I would add this little thought of mine to this wonderful thought provoking thread!!
Hope that you don't mind.
I think that one of the many reasons why our generation of overweight /obese women originates from the World Wars. This was obviously a time when food was rationed and considered to be very precious. Therefore our parents were bought up and conditioned to eat everything on their plates and not to waste. Then in turn our parents have used this behaviour when they had their children and it followed through to us.
I have to say that now I am not bothered if my children do no eat everthing on their plates. I have really relaxed on this issue. Its no big deal really. If they are hungry then they will eat.
I just thought that I would add this little thought of mine to this wonderful thought provoking thread!!
Hope that you don't mind.
you are SOOOOOOOO right i was always told to eat up, my sister was never bothered but id always clear the plate!! perfect sense, so sicology would mean to resolve we realy need to have smaller portions to be able to clear the plate and feel we have not dissobayed!!
i was told by my grandma that it was a sin to waste food and that there were so many starving kids in the world including some relatives and neighbours.

She never suggested feeding them though. It's still part of me unfortunately.
in a word... DIETING

I'd been on diets since I was a teenager, trying every new faddy thing on the market, losing some weight by depriving myself then losing the plot and eating twice as much as I ever did before and regaining it all and more...

over and again...

This sounds familiar to me!!!!
Mine is the same sort of story but mainly having to sit on my butt for most of my life due to severe chest infections etc constant steroids and anti-biotics not drinking enough water or any liquid come to think of it and filling up on all the foods bad for you with my nan doing all the cooking and all my schoolmates coming round every day for milk and cakes by the time I went to junior school I was already wearing a bra and wearing clothes that were far too old for me as it was all that fitted!
But that was years ago before anyone really started thinking about healty eating etc.
Now I want to scream and go back in time but as I cant do that Im trying to lose the weight and begin again go abroad, swimming, ice skating, clubbing, horse riding, theme parks ohhhhhhhh everything I havent been able to do before!!
Yes I will do it and when I do the pics will be on here to prove it lol!!
So good luck to all.
Always had a problem - or at least I thought I did - looking back it was created from nothing..

Was constantly warned off getting fat as a child as "no one would love me".

Started WWers aged 13 - have since rejoined numerous times.

Teenage years also included Cambridge Diet (not today's version). Having weekly injections and taking prescribed amphetamines (now illegal). Stealing money to buy food secretly, hide it and eat it in secret.

This pretty much went on until I moved out at 18 (even then I was still "only" a size 16 but thought I was hideous).

Moved in with boyfriend and put on 3.5 stone through the staying in and eating thing.

Broke up with boyfriend 4 years later and lost 5.5 stone through depression.

Became bulimic and went on every single diet known to man.
And then it really started to go downhill....:rolleyes: :sigh:

Must have been the world's most rubbish bulimic as I started LL in October 2006 at nearly 18 stone.

So lots to sort out really... :D
. Therefore our parents were bought up and conditioned to eat everything on their plates and not to waste. Then in turn our parents have used this behaviour when they had their children and it followed through to us.


I've stayed away from this thread as I can't really give a reason as to why I got big other than I ate too much. I could blame underactive thyroid plus everything else, but as my doctor said "If you have something that makes you put on weight....then you've got to eat less". So simple eh :(

My mother certainly taught me that I should eat everything on my plate, but then she also taught me that I should keep my house spic and span and polish the doorstop every day. Neither of which I've done:eek:

So why have I picked the food one to keep as a habit. The one habit that caused me so much grief? I could have had a nice sparkly doorstep instead:confused: