What makes a good Cambridge Counsellor

i'm not over impresed with my CDC, nothing i can really put my finger on.
she's really slim (too much i think) & admits to never having had a weight problem so i can't see how she has an understanding of what we go thru. She does stock all the varieties but doesn't give much advice, in actual fact i seem to tell her things! i did think of changing CDC as there is 1 other in my area but then found out it's her DAUGHTER ! um don't think that would work somehow. because of this i'm really grateful i have you lot on here to answer any q's i have :)
thanks to you all x
You see to me a good CDC is someone who wants to help people 100%.Someone who has done CD themselves.Someone who isnt init for just the Money.
If I was a CDC I must admit Id like to be I would make sure I spent sometime each week with each of my clinents on a one to one basis,(if they are happy with that)I would make sure Id phone them if I said I would.I would make sure I knew all I could about CD and mainly reassurre them that I know how they are feeling as I have had an 18 year struggle with my weight.
Just showing someone you truly care is I feel the most important factor?

Oh Debz the more you post about your CDC the more angry I get, that's just appalling, words fail me. I think therefore that quite simply a good CDC is the opposite of everything your CDC has been to you. I really hope you've let Head Office know some of this as she is putting her clients health at risk & that is not on.

As a new CDC I hope that my clients will be able to feel they can come to me for help, support, advice, encouragement & friendship. I'll make sure I stay knowledgeable and up-to-date and stock a full range of products for my clients to pick & mix as they please and exchange any flavours they don't like.

I know Dotty - it's quite worrying :( cos she probably has peeps who don't even know they're putting their health at risk !!!

but - not for much longer....cos hopefully I'm gonna train to be a CDC and be everything that she hasn't been for me !

here's hoping......

I've also spoken to Head Office...cos I am genuinely concerned for others who may not have access to the research and info. that I've found......let's hope they sort it !


You see to me a good CDC is someone who wants to help people 100%.Someone who has done CD themselves.Someone who isnt init for just the Money.
If I was a CDC I must admit Id like to be I would make sure I spent sometime each week with each of my clinents on a one to one basis,(if they are happy with that)I would make sure Id phone them if I said I would.I would make sure I knew all I could about CD and mainly reassurre them that I know how they are feeling as I have had an 18 year struggle with my weight.
Just showing someone you truly care is I feel the most important factor?


Here here - agree 110% :D

they defo need to understand where overweight people are 'coming from'....if ya know what I mean ;)

Ye see, my CDC told me last time I saw her that she really wants me to do well at this....BUT without minimins I reckon I would've caved in by now and just given up on the diet, and it would be just another diet that didnt work for me....thank god I found this site!!
My CDC is Brill he has helped me, and listens to my ramblings always there when I needed him.
Still pop in and get CD bars off him occasionally because I like them.
He was happy for me to go and weigh in with him even when I wasn't buying anything from him.
He is a nice caring sort of bloke. Mind you I reckon he is a screaming Queen cos he was always chatting me up.;)

Cheers Chris Probably the best CDC in the world.:D
I've finished Cambridge now, but my CDC was really nice and helpful. She gave me all the stuff she was supposed to and more (printouts of recipes, free ketosticks and a sample tetra). Also she pointed me to Mike's site, from which I found my way here.
I think for me the most important thing was feeling I could trust her, so if she told me something I knew I could rely on it. So if she said anything that was different from the book she'd explain why, like recommending more water than the Cambridge minimum.