what really puts you off a partner?

Again its being blown out of proportion. The friends thing was to shwo you Emma that YOU may think its banter but otehrs out there arent so sure and pmmed me to ask if I was ok.

I've drawn my line. Pm me if you want.

p.s. Thanks for the rep. I appreciate the comment :)
Yeah I know what you mean-I just didn't want you to think I was one of those backstabbing types since we have already spoken about this.

That's the trouble with forums though when no-one really knows anyone.
People hide behind a screen and think they can get away with being complete a**holes to everyone because they don't know them.

I'm not referring to anyone in particular here, just forums in general. I have had some nasty things said to me before on forums and it's awful.

But yeah, my original point lol, easy to misread what people are saying when you don't know them if you get what I mean :confused:
ok i can accept that sulleyp and Elvira - I am one of those people who has a dry sense of humour, and often debate things and see it as 'friendly banter' although I can see for those who don't know me personally, that typo can be taken wrongly - as in this case, on both parts (i'm sure you'd agree here) Could do with a little camera for you to see my sarcy grin. Really though, no harm was meant.
I always try to use the smilies to show my meaning as I know I am a very sarcastic person and I say things in the wrong way all the time! Am actually worse in real life lol!! x
I always try to use the smilies to show my meaning as I know I am a very sarcastic person and I say things in the wrong way all the time! Am actually worse in real life lol!! x

For some reason (prob due to the fact my works pc is tripe) I can't use smilies, other than the :) (cos I know the little symbol thingy) I click on the face on the right hand side and nothing happens. When I'm on my home comp I take full advantage of the smilies though!
i know - i wish they worked on my work comp : (
I agree with Lindy Lou -- there is something a bit off about guys in skinny jeans. And, I'll add guys who hum (actually, anyone who incessantly hums... it drives me batty).
I once knew a guy with hairy ear LOBES which was bizarre! At least hairiness can be combated which means I wouldn't necessarily say no to a guy with a hairy nose lol!

What do you think of chest hair? I like it but not too much. I hate it when guys wax their chests eeeew!

Ooh ooh! Smelly feet! :stinkyfeet:
What do you think of chest hair? I like it but not too much. I hate it when guys wax their chests eeeew!

No waxed chests for me!!! :nono:
That's what makes a difference between woman and man - I love all masculine attributes - especialy hairy chest - more testosteron more body hair. Simple:flirt2:
Minimimi - the moto you have in your sig, is the one Kate Moss got in all the trouble for :D I love the saying hehe x
I don't mind a hairy chest....but I do NOT like a hairy back! :D
Don't mind it either as long as the front is kept "neat & tidy" lol :flirt2:

Minimimi - the moto you have in your sig, is the one Kate Moss got in all the trouble for :D I love the saying hehe x

Yep, and I couldn't put it better myself.
Being slim feel well damn good!!!!