what really puts you off a partner?

Shave his back (gags). My word. Does it not grow back thicker?
its not to thick and we use an electric body razor he was fine then joined the army and it grew in the places where he had to carry his heavy backpack.

I think if i wrote a list it would be all the things that my hubby does to annoy me
Sulley - you don't like people that aren't university educated because they go and get sh!tty jobs and aren't intelligent? I didn't go to university because my mum had breast cancer, I am now an accountant....its risky to stereotype!

Typical man putting his big foot in his even bigger mouth :p

That's a joke...I'm not stereotyping really :rolleyes: !!!
Yep it is stereotyping. Just like all the other ones are. Like I have said. Its a guide. The idea of having the university thing there is to show that they have some intellegence and dont just waste their education. Your situation is obviously different and the education wasnt wasted. So you obviously dont fit into it.

So less of the pissyness please.
shocked at the uni thing that just shows what a twonk you are sully.. and no there is no sorry at the end of that

o unless it was all tongue in cheek of course ...but i doubt it
To be fair, Sulleyp did say it wouldn't bother him if he found the right girl.

I think these things are just a bit of fun.

Everyone is guilty of stereotyping at some point.
Well if its just a bit of fun and he thinks him self soooo highly educated he could at least spell licence properly ;) as thats something else he doesnt like ...
Yes well I often have trouble with simple words and typing. Its not dyslexia, but yet its somethign I can't stop.

But thanks for bringing it up Mrs E. I am sure it made you feel good.
Hi Ya'll --

SulleyP spelled license (aka Licence) with the American spelling -- and since he is an NFL fan that is certainly understandable. (Any team in particular, SulleyP?)

Also, my favourite (notice the Brit spelling there?) President Andrew Jackson quote is, "It is a damn poor mind who can think of only one way to spell a word!" :)

BTW, I like most of SullyPs list... I, too, do not particulary feel that fake anything is attractive (tans, a lot of make-up, personality traits, etc.). I think "the the Uni thing" was more of an example -- he likes a woman who is interested in her education and well-read. I do not think that anyone believes that going to Uni is the only way to be well-read and interesting. Also, I have meet a lot of well-educated ignoramuses (or is it ignorami?). It is former... I was making a joke!

Thanks MinnieMel. (Gives her a hug). I have changed Licence now to keep the "boo boys" happy.
I am Pack man through and through. Despite having never been to Wisconsin I watch every game on the tinternet. (spelt how Peter Kay pronounces it) I even paid £125 this year for an NFL gamepass as Sky are normally ***** at showing the Pack.

Who do you follow? If it begins with either a V or a certain type of furry animal beginning with B. We shall no longer be friends.

You are right about the uni thing though. As I said before its just a wya of showing you are intellegent and not a complete slacker more interested in the colours of a dole cheque. But then I suppose some are quick to reply.
Oh and the amusing thing is I used to be editor of a magazine and I have a book coming out next year. So I probably have better grammar and mad spelling skillz than most on ehre. But I have this really wierd thing of physicall being unable to type certain words correctly unless typing with 1 finger. Doctors say its the same symptoms as dyslexia but its not dyslexia.

p.s. Yes HERE is one of those words
p.p.s. Why do they make dyslexia such a difficult word to spell bearing in mind the illness
p.p.p.s Same thing for the word lisp.
Hi SulleyP --

So you're a Cheesehead! I actually knew someone who played for the Packers a zillion years ago. He was on special teams -- his name is Cliff Lewis (he dated and cheated on a friend of mine).

I am not a big pro-football fan (but as my husband is from NY -- he supports the Giants, and I am from Seattle -- so I'll go with the Seahawks).

I did buy my husband and son tickets to see Miami play the NY Giants in the October before last at Wembley. And, it looks like I'll be at the Big Superbowl Party on the Air Base in January because I recently met an American lady married to British RAF guy and she asked me to "hook her up". Apparently, she is big pro football fan and her team is doing well.

When I lived in the States, I watched college football -- I think it is actually a better game. I graduated from Florida State University, and they take their football very seriously in the South. My son is big fan, and even wanted to play for his American High School here in the UK. I told him, maybe you could be the place kicker (he was only about 8 1/2 stone at the time).

Hey SulleyP,

Did you hear about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac?

He used to be awake all night wondering if there really was a dog?

You are right about the uni thing though. As I said before its just a wya of showing you are intellegent and not a complete slacker more interested in the colours of a dole cheque. But then I suppose some are quick to reply.

pmsl.. if you think going to uni makes you intelligent then you are very wrong! wake up and smell the stong stuff ;)
You still going on about that? If you've read all my replies I talked about it proving things about dedication etc. Intellegent was prob the wrong use of the word int he quote above but you knwo fullw ell what I am getting at.

Jog on :)