What to do with Courgettes?


Full Member
I've got about 4 that need using up, I bought them for soup but I'm a bit 'souped out' this week so am looking for some good recipe ideas! Side dishes would be ideal but happy to consider anything :D
Whilst watching a cooking programme the lady on it used courgette grated in cake saying it doesn't taste of much but it bulks the mixture for no calories hardly ... She also used beetroot in a choc cake for the same reason .. The testers was very impressed but not tested it myself
2nd recipe down in my recipes thread (link in my sig) is for a courgette frittata, it's lovely too.
Slice it thin lengthways and cook it on a griddle pan as a side dish. Never tried it but seen it in books/mags and it looks lovely
I add courgettes to so many dishes from chilli's to curry's etc, it is great roasted with other veg too such as peppers, red onion and aubergine.

Good way of getting some more superfree into your diet too.