X-Men: Days of Future Past... very good!
Sam35 Silver Member 2 June 2014 #1,084 Saw the heat with Sandra bullock and Melissa McCarthy the other day, it was hilarious!
SlimmingKitchen Gold Member 6 June 2014 #1,085 The wolf of Wall Street ? Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
PrincessSparklePants Little Miss Christmas 11 June 2014 #1,086 Maria said: Saw the heat with Sandra bullock and Melissa McCarthy the other day, it was hilarious! Click to expand... I keep meaning to watch that, glad it's as good as it looks
Maria said: Saw the heat with Sandra bullock and Melissa McCarthy the other day, it was hilarious! Click to expand... I keep meaning to watch that, glad it's as good as it looks
S **Sparkle Starrs** Full Member 12 June 2014 #1,087 I went to see 'Edge of Tomorrow' last weekend - it was a surprisingly good film and story with plenty of action! I enjoyed it and I'd recommend that other sci-fi fans go and see it. Best wishes, Lisa
I went to see 'Edge of Tomorrow' last weekend - it was a surprisingly good film and story with plenty of action! I enjoyed it and I'd recommend that other sci-fi fans go and see it. Best wishes, Lisa
Sweethearts Gold Member 16 June 2014 #1,088 A Million Ways To Die In The West - I wasn't expecting much but it was really funny!
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 16 June 2014 #1,089 The wolf of wall street.... Was alright film actually!! Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Metallichick Full Member 20 June 2014 #1,091 Just watched Wild target on dvd, the last film i saw at the cinema was X Men days of future past....
Sweethearts Gold Member 25 June 2014 #1,092 21 Jump street, it was ok but it's not worth all the hype
Viixenx ~*I always end up back here*~ 10 July 2014 #1,095 We are the millers, and can i im so jealous of jennifer annistons body. WOW.
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 13 July 2014 #1,097 The house on the haunted hill Sent from my LIFETAB_E7313 using MiniMins.com mobile app
lovehearts Silver Member 15 July 2014 #1,099 Linz91 said: Bad Grandpa, very funny! Click to expand... I watched this too, love johnny Knoxville :heartpump:
Linz91 said: Bad Grandpa, very funny! Click to expand... I watched this too, love johnny Knoxville :heartpump: