The Green Mile - again! :o
flowergirl Full Member 11 October 2014 #1,144 Watched 'The Quiet Ones' last night, probably the worst film I've ever seen... so bad!
flowergirl Full Member 11 October 2014 #1,145 Watched 'The Call' with Halle Berry in tonight, it's really good!
I incrediannie Member 31 October 2014 #1,153 Finally watched Gravity last night, visually it was amazing. Didn't have much of a story but it didn't matter as it looked stunning plus George clooney...
Finally watched Gravity last night, visually it was amazing. Didn't have much of a story but it didn't matter as it looked stunning plus George clooney...
strawberry Gold Member 1 November 2014 #1,154 watched One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest.... it was good
thelifeofpieface Gold Member 2 November 2014 #1,155 Watched a million ways to die in the west last night - was funny in an obvious way , not bad for a Saturday night movie xx
Watched a million ways to die in the west last night - was funny in an obvious way , not bad for a Saturday night movie xx
jackiesolo Member 2 November 2014 #1,157 Just rewatched Four Weddings and a Funeral - still strikes me as being very funny.
strawberry Gold Member 2 November 2014 #1,158 Watched The Parent Trap again today (the Lindsay Lohan version) still love it!!
Princess_Stevie Gold Member 4 November 2014 #1,160 We saw The Maze Runner a couple of weeks ago at the cinema. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next installment!
We saw The Maze Runner a couple of weeks ago at the cinema. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next installment!