What were your reasons for starting LT

I've been enjoying this thread, I can relate to parts of all your stories.

The decision to start LT was made after a particularly upsetting visit to my GP. I go to see her on a regular basis as I have clinical depression. On this occasion I thought, I know I'll get weighed, I'm sure I've lost a little since Christmas....
To my horror I was almost 2 stone heavier. Something had to give - and it was about to be my knicker elastic if I didn't take action fast!

I'd gained around 3 stone while expecting my daughter, lost a bit, then put it back and more until I couldn't recognise myself. Surely I was still a slim person who'd just got a bit chubby? No, the cold truth was I was clinically obese, my skin was grey, my eyes had disappeared into my head and I was frankly a wreck.

I needed to lose weight to get myself back. In gaining all that fat I was losing my outgoing personality, my depression was worse, I felt and looked unattractive (I don't carry weight well on the face). Worst of all my relationship with my DH was suffering, I couldn't grasp how he could find me attractive (although he assured me that he did, bless him).
I joined Minimins and this is where I first heard of Lipotrim.
It's a fantastic diet! I can honestly say it has enabled me to get my life back.
I've always been the "Fat Kid" and got loads of taunts etc at school. I'm proud to say I rose above them and did better than they did. I met my husband to be at 6th form and we both put on some weight (but with him starting at 8 stone wet thru he needed it!) My heaviest was 15st 2lb and I did get down to 14 thru WW but it came back on. Strangely enough he liked me anyway and got down on one knee at top of Blackpool tower in Aug 2005. Now in Aug this year I will be getting married and I'm doing this so he can be proud of his new wife.... plus I did a stupid thing and chose skinny bridesmaids! Like I said I've always been the fat one and I think its my turn to look good, especially for my bf.
I'm only 21 and have yo-yoed with my weight since early teens. I've tried numerous diets but after a few weeks tend to binge and give up...
My turning point was when I was invited to Florida with my boyfriend, his mates and their girldriends (who are all 'naturally thin' whatever that means!) its still a year away but thought if I start now, once I've finished I would have the incentive to keep it off and stay healthy.

I'm only on my fourth day and was finding it quite tough but since reading threads on here have had a new boost of encouragement!!

I've got my first weigh in on Friday and I'm not very optimistic even though I've been really strict but we' see...
Keep at it nicci, the first weigh in is a huge encouragement. You'll find the first week tough as your body ajusts and goes into ketosis but once you're in full swing it gets easier. You become more detached to food and you just get into routine with the shakes. Good luck!
i think you all amazing and, really dont want to spend all of my twenties bein fat! i want to be slim and sexy so i can get married one day,i think my weight will yoyo no matter what and i no i will never naturally be the size i really want to be my dad upsets me the most by throwin digs about my weight he thinks every woman should be a size 10, he really f***s me off ,his girlfriend is a size 8 and she is a total up her own arse stuck up *****.just shoot me if i ever get skinny and be like her!!! i dont really see much of my dad he's not really been there for me so i think theres people in my life that put me down and i want to prove them wrong and show them i can rise above it xxxx
I think each and every1 of us should be so proud of this journey..noticing we have a prob and more importantly doing something about it! WELL DONE ALL xxx
im with you tracy,you look fantastic and have stuck to it for ages, i hope i can be as sucsessfull as you and would like to name few of top of ma head who have done fantastic aswell, gary, nic, shaz,and loads more but crap at rememberin names xxx lol
Lil, Fran, pineapple....everybody! And thanks hun xx
I've been enjoying this thread, I can relate to parts of all your stories.

The decision to start LT was made after a particularly upsetting visit to my GP. I go to see her on a regular basis as I have clinical depression. On this occasion I thought, I know I'll get weighed, I'm sure I've lost a little since Christmas....
To my horror I was almost 2 stone heavier. Something had to give - and it was about to be my knicker elastic if I didn't take action fast!

I'd gained around 3 stone while expecting my daughter, lost a bit, then put it back and more until I couldn't recognise myself. Surely I was still a slim person who'd just got a bit chubby? No, the cold truth was I was clinically obese, my skin was grey, my eyes had disappeared into my head and I was frankly a wreck.

I needed to lose weight to get myself back. In gaining all that fat I was losing my outgoing personality, my depression was worse, I felt and looked unattractive (I don't carry weight well on the face). Worst of all my relationship with my DH was suffering, I couldn't grasp how he could find me attractive (although he assured me that he did, bless him).
I joined Minimins and this is where I first heard of Lipotrim.
It's a fantastic diet! I can honestly say it has enabled me to get my life back.
Hi ya hun, just to say i have suffed with cyclothmia / depression for 7 yrs and a week after starting LT i decided to stop the pills....for the first time in yrs i feel like me again and i am soooo much happier without them and knowing i am doing somethin for me without those dam pills its fantastic! TBH i am have a sneaky suspicion they made my weight worse!! Good luck on your journey and i hope you find what you are looking for xxxx
Thanks for that Nic, it's always nice to know you're not alone in things isn't it? I agree with what you said about the pills, they really can make you feel less like yourself and they definitely can add to weight gain! Any anti-depressant I've had has had that listed as one of the side effects, I think it affects those of us who are prone to gaining...
I'm really pleased you're feeling good, it shines out you know ;)