love it! I wish I knew him! x
Meggity Full Member 22 June 2011 #43 Amg great thread to read while sipping my soup lol - nearly choked on some of the comments!
DustQueen Gold Member 22 June 2011 #44 losingit said: Here is a pic of one... at the Icelandic Phallological Museum of all places. Iceland sounds like an interesting place to visit. It's phallus in wonderland with a reproduction theme - World - Click to expand... Oh deary me :O
losingit said: Here is a pic of one... at the Icelandic Phallological Museum of all places. Iceland sounds like an interesting place to visit. It's phallus in wonderland with a reproduction theme - World - Click to expand... Oh deary me :O
DustQueen Gold Member 22 June 2011 #45 Princess_Ames said: Cock Collector? :giggle: Click to expand... I know some women like that
Emma1904 Working on it 22 June 2011 #46 carly82 said: I know some women like that Click to expand... This made me actually laugh out loud! I know some too! X
carly82 said: I know some women like that Click to expand... This made me actually laugh out loud! I know some too! X
Andie Pandie Full Member 22 June 2011 #47 Seriously, I laughed so much a little bit of wee might have come out! Lmao This thread is hilarious! ;-D x Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Seriously, I laughed so much a little bit of wee might have come out! Lmao This thread is hilarious! ;-D x Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
SammyE Silver Member 22 June 2011 #48 Do you think he is friends with Lorena Bobbitt? (google if you dont remember who she is haha)
Emma1904 Working on it 22 June 2011 #49 SammyE said: Do you think he is friends with Lorena Bobbitt? (google if you dont remember who she is haha) Click to expand... She should have sold it to him!! X
SammyE said: Do you think he is friends with Lorena Bobbitt? (google if you dont remember who she is haha) Click to expand... She should have sold it to him!! X
stephie77 Silver Member 20 July 2011 #50 lol, i have just found this again......i have lost a small bale of hay and a human head!!!
sumayyah please try again 20 July 2011 #51 ive lost a gold brick. very careless of me, if anyone finds it i expect it returned asap. theres 50p in it for ya
ive lost a gold brick. very careless of me, if anyone finds it i expect it returned asap. theres 50p in it for ya
slinkybride2be Silver Member 20 July 2011 #53 Woohoo I have now lost and average 2 year old and a human brain! Can always rely on this thread to cheer me up, thanks Ames! x
Woohoo I have now lost and average 2 year old and a human brain! Can always rely on this thread to cheer me up, thanks Ames! x
Biggie Silver Member 20 July 2011 #54 OMG I've lost an elephants heart plus an average human brain....
fizzyfluff Gold Member 20 July 2011 #55 So my goal weight then is an elephants penis..,,, Start 14'7. WI1 -11. WI2 -4. WI3 -2
scotminx Gold Member 20 July 2011 #56 Rofl - this is hilarious!!!! So far I've lost an Irish Setter... Am aiming to lose a further bale of hay. Can't believe I ever had the strength to carry an Irish Setter around with me???? Glad he's gone now. I'm thinking he needs a name...
Rofl - this is hilarious!!!! So far I've lost an Irish Setter... Am aiming to lose a further bale of hay. Can't believe I ever had the strength to carry an Irish Setter around with me???? Glad he's gone now. I'm thinking he needs a name...
Princess_Ames SW Junkie! 25 July 2011 #60 I've now lost... 24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream 4 pounds = an ostrich egg!