Squ1rrel said:I've just got back from a holiday in Brighton and I had downloaded a Peter James detective book called Dead Mans Grip on my kindle which is set in Brighton!! Just finished it last night - I was hooked... Got to read the next in the series now!!!
xDenisex said:I just finished The Girl with the dragon tattoo have to say it was a struggle to start wit but once I got into it didn't wanna put it down...Great Book![]()
Mini_Mog said:I started watching the film last night, it's quite long so watching it in bits. Quite want to read the book now![]()
Mini_Mog said:It's on my 'to read' list. I know it's quite a popular book. Are her other 2 books the return and the thread sequels or are they different? I've just started Moloka'i and so far I'm enjoying it![]()
funcurls said:I've read The Return but not The Thread, although it is on the ol' Kindle! No they're completely different stories! The Return is about the Spanish Civil War and The Thread is about a huge fire that happened in the second capital city of Greece. All historical fiction basically, right up my street! You're not going to believe this Mogs but I'm STILL on Game of Thrones! It's mainly because life has been so hectic lately and I just haven't had much time to invest in reading, but I must admit I'm still struggling and finding it slow! I think it's brilliantly written and I do enjoy it when I pick it up, but I'm disappointed in myself that I'm not finding it a real page turner! I won't give up on it though! X
I just finished The Girl with the dragon tattoo have to say it was a struggle to start wit but once I got into it didn't wanna put it down...Great Book![]()
Mini_Mog said:It took me a month to read game of thrones and I think about 6 weeks to read the second one! I've not started the third yet cos I want to get my post grad out of the way before starting another big book. It is good, I must admit some parts are more difficult to get through than others. I felt the same about the lord of the rings, brilliant book but some parts were really tough just to get through.
Saska said:OMG saw the movie last xmas and didnt enjoy the sadistic side...the book might have been better as the visuals were gross.
funcurls said:Just laughing at something Michael McIntyre said- that when we love a book we refer to it as a 'page turner'.....but that a page turner would be the absolute MINIMUM he would expect from a book...otherwise it would resemble more of a block than a book lol! X