Gold Member
Oh dear... Beautiful Creatures the book 1 movie nil... Highlight of the movie Jeremy Irons one... Emma Thompson nil...
Oh no
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Oh dear... Beautiful Creatures the book 1 movie nil... Highlight of the movie Jeremy Irons one... Emma Thompson nil...
Oh nomy friend cancelled on me so going next week... Wasn't it very good? x
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I love Terry Pratchett, I've read the first two Discworld books and have the rest of the series to read when I've finished the Outlander series. Terry Pratchett has such a brilliant imagination I can't believe its only the last few years I 'found him'.
It's not bad but they cut so much out that would have added depth and some of the charecters just didn't work... I imagined Amma to be this big black mamma of the Louisiana swamps, not a skinny 35 year old seer... There was no Boo Radley dog or Marion the librarian, and no wacky sisters... X
Aaah I imagined the same with amma, was a bit shocked to see her in the trailer, no boo or Marion they are key characters
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Don't get me wrong its watchable, just a disappointment after the books...xx
They always are
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Let me know what you think if you go see it...xx
I definAtely will do, I am thinking about starting to read the immortal series now, the film of the first book is out shortly and looks good
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Actually it's mortal instrument series doh.. First book called city of bones, not same authors, written by Cassandra Clare x
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Ooo... Read those and love them... I have the fourth still to read, but one, two and three were great...xx
Oooh are they worth downloading then? think there is a fifth one too x
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There is but I have fell a bit behind, I think you will love them... I had them in book form but downloaded the first three on my kindle as I know I will re read them at some point... X
I think I am more excited by them as I know there are more than 3 of them hehe x