What's everyone reading at the moment?

Just finished Iain banks stone mouth. Utter crap. Had to make myself reading too see what happened but for a writer with such good reviews this was just rubbish. Back to the kindle to finish another book that I have been struggling with!!
Just started this quarters bookclub choice Every Dead Thing by John Connolly... A chapter in and so far so good... Looks like your average crime novel... Like a good murder me...
I read the great gatsby as I was given a copy... Rubbish!!! Boring rubbish with even more rubbish ending.

The next night I read a freeby on kindle that was far superior.

I'm reading a collection of short stories (free) on kindle atm. One was good the rest are average.

I read between 2-10 books a month.
Not downloaded free books in a while. Trying to get thru a collection just now but not sure of it.

May need to just delete it and get on with others I have downloaded
I am currently reading "How To Be a Brilliant English Teacher" by Trevor Wright. Boring, I know. However, he is my PGCE lecturer, who is really famous and well respected in the field, and it is a really helpful book!

For fun, I'm reading "Talking with Serial Killers 2" by Richard Berry Dee. It's so interesting!
Struggling with the book club choice book Every Dead Thing by John Connolly... I am not sure if it's his writing style or just that it seems like It's a run of the mill detective novel... It could be that I am not in the mood and might put it on the back burner and read something else for a bit...
just read the afair by lee child .now started .before i go to sleep .by s j watson .lorna

Before I Go to Sleep is good, can't wait to see the film as well, Nicole Kidman is filming it at the moment.

Finished The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, took me a little while to get into but loved it by the end!
Oh The Forgotten Garden sounds good, what's it about?

It's jumps between 2 stories about a grandaughter trying to find out about her Grandmothers past, tells her story and goes back to the past and tells the past story as well :) XX