Currently reading lord of the rings! I love it x
I'm getting stuck on things to read. Working in a library all you see is books all day. I'm usually an avid crime-gore person but lately I'm wanting some chic lit And I have no idea who to go for. Any help? X
I've finally finished reading an Echo in the Bone, I've thoroughly enjoyed the series, but now for a different genre & Terry Pratchett, Equal Ritesjust 33 in this series
Yep he is so funny, I've not listened to a book for ages, I sed to listen to them on hols, but I've not really had the type of holiday where I get time to sit & relax!!!!!!!!!!!
I've just started reading We Need To Talk about Kevin...I'm not sure whether I'll get into it or not at the moment, it hasn't really grabbed me straight away like some books do