What's everyone reading at the moment?

well i finished magician and really enjoyed it and im halfway through silverthron at the moment and its alright but it really suffers from "middle book syndrome" in my opinion!
Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess. Not at all the sort of thing I usually read, but I am about to go on holiday to Malta and wanted to read a couple of books set there. So far so good, well written and interesting, though I'm not learning too much about Malta, so far, since it sprawls all over the world across most of the 20th century.

I will probably try some more of his - A Clockwork Orange, I suppose, would be next obvious one to try as it's the best known. Anyone read any others of his and able to recommend the best ones?

I hadn't realised it until after I bought it, but apparently it was named as the third best work of British and Commonwealth fiction of the last 25 years in the Observer in 2006, so I suppose it ought to be good!
i have just finished reading shades of blue by christain author karen kingsbury , really good found it hard to put down , am starting a true blood novel next think the 3rd one .
Just finished Don't Tell by Karen Rose. About to start Hard Girls by Martina Cole.
Hoping to get some reccommendations from here
Close by Martina Cole........very similar to her other books but I'm still enjoying.....let me know what Hard Girls is like as I might give that one a shot later.
Just finished 'Cutting for Stone' by Abraham Verghese. Really good story not the usual thing I would go for. Have been following the TV Book Club on More4. Read most of them up to now and they have all been really interesting. Can recommend the list.
Just started Michael Crichton's Next, I love all Michael's books, he is my fav author and such a big loss he's now gone. Just got his last book Pirate Latitudes, so that'll be my next one. Had 'Next' for ages, just taken me a while to get round to reading it.
I go through phases of chick lit and then hard hitting stuff, at the mo I'm reading No Strings Attached by Claire Dowling, so far so good
At the moment I'm reading quite a few! as always heh.

The Point of Rescue by Sophie Hannah and have not long finished Little Face by the same person. She's a very good author and I would recommend to those who like crime/thrillers. I couldnt put Little Face down. :)
i currently reading the twilight saga im on eclipse the 3rd book
i would usually read fiction but iv fell in love with these