Anyone read any by John Sandford?
His are crime/thrillers too. I find all of his books very gripping but also very intelligently written.
Jonathan Kellerman is another good crime read. I'm just reading the last Alex Delaware novel now - Gone. Only a few pages in but already getting sucked in!
Thanks DQ. I haven't read the latest Prey yet, will have to check that out. Read all the others.
Have you read the Kidd series? Just finished The Devils Code a few days ago. Took me ages to track that book down!
Anyone else a John Irving fan?
"A Prayer for Owen Meany" is one of my all-time favourite books.
just finished the time travellers wife. not my usual cup of tea but i enjoyed it - a modern twist on a love story. Give it a try if you like to suspend belief and be entertained by a good story![]()
Im reading the memory keepers daughter at the moment. Im about a quarter of the way through, and must admit not finding it as good as all the reviews Ive heard. Quite a good storyline tho so Im going to stick with it.
Harlen Coben is my absolute fav, have read all of his books. Also Martina Cole is great. for anyone who likes her books, you will also like Mandasue Heller, very similar writing style.
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never tried martina cole but someone else mentioned her to me - i always thought she was romantic type books but they said def not but don't read all her books one after another.
If you like Harlan, try Robert Crais very similar to the point that he has a myron and win in elvis cole and joe pike!!
Will try the site as my shelves are starting to creak and i need some new material.
Think i will wait on memory keepers daughter but as you say the plot sounds good!