Just started Judgement of Souls by Sheri Leigh on Kindle after just finishing Curfew by Phil Rickman last night... Curfew was good, if a tad long, but certainly gripping enough to stick with... I usually read his Merrily Watkins series, and a couple of the characters surface in this one too... In his usual style though you are left wondering if the mystical events he covers in his stories were too easily explained away as mass hallucination or was there really some basis in truth...
Hi I'm reading Denise welchs autobiography it's very good and honest I didn't think much of her before celebrity big bro but got to like her now and enjoying her book very much
Finished "PS I Love You" by Celia Aherne and it wasn't as bad as expected lol - light and easy reading. Now moved on to Tami Hoag's "Deeper than the Dead" for something chillier lol