What's everyone reading at the moment?

Room is fantastic, it's so different. It's one of those books that you think about when you aren't reading it, unforgettable.
Same here.....but can only read one book at a time :)

Am very, very excited because I've only gone and ordered my birthday pressie last night........a KINDLE!!!!!!!
dextersmum said:
Same here.....but can only read one book at a time :)

Am very, very excited because I've only gone and ordered my birthday pressie last night........a KINDLE!!!!!!!

Woohoo:) you will love it!!!
Same here.....but can only read one book at a time :)

Am very, very excited because I've only gone and ordered my birthday pressie last night........a KINDLE!!!!!!!

GO DEXTER'SMUM!!!!!! So pleased for you! I hope you'll be very happy together :DXXX
Let me know how you get on with it, I'm thinking of buying my mother one for her birthday :) xx
I finished Harbingers, (liked it), so now it's the end of Dead & Gone, then dead in the Family and finally the last Sookie Stackhouse book that came out, I've had it for yonks.
I have decided to keep the hunger games for when I go to turkey next week.... So now I am reading matched by Ally Condie
Thanks :) its my week off the plan too (great timing) so I'm a bit nervous about eating and what to eat so reading will be coming into it alot lol
Let me know how you get on with it, I'm thinking of buying my mother one for her birthday :) xx

Absolutely brilliant! If she loves reading and you think she can be converted from 'real books' (which some people swear they can't be!!) then she'll love the Kindle!!X
I've finished The Woman In Black which I really enjoyed- very creepy! I'm now on Pear Shaped by Stella Newman. I chose this because it was in the Kindle Bestsellers list, had good reviews and was only 99p! So far so good for a light-hearted bit of chic-lit! Next on my list is Blue Monday by Nicci French!
funcurls said:
I've finished The Woman In Black which I really enjoyed- very creepy! I'm now on Pear Shaped by Stella Newman. I chose this because it was in the Kindle Bestsellers list, had good reviews and was only 99p! So far so good for a light-hearted bit of chic-lit! Next on my list is Blue Monday by Nicci French!

I've just finished it too! I thought it was ok, I expected more, I wasn't really scared by it, it was just creepy. The descriptions and atmosphere were good, but it didn't freak me out at all, so for that reason I was disappointed.

On to dead to the world by Charlene Harris.
Hey all need some recommendations if you don't mind, I love detective,crime,who done it books also a bit of chick lit when I need a break lol I've read most James pattersons all rizzoli and isles by tess thingy martina cole is pretty much up tk date couldn't get into lee child or the hunger games although I keep going back to it lol any authors you think write in a similar style? All appreciated xxx
charlie's~mummy said:
Hey all need some recommendations if you don't mind, I love detective,crime,who done it books also a bit of chick lit when I need a break lol I've read most James pattersons all rizzoli and isles by tess thingy martina cole is pretty much up tk date couldn't get into lee child or the hunger games although I keep going back to it lol any authors you think write in a similar style? All appreciated xxx

I would say definitely try Peter James, fantastic whodunit!
charlie's~mummy said:
Hey all need some recommendations if you don't mind, I love detective,crime,who done it books also a bit of chick lit when I need a break lol I've read most James pattersons all rizzoli and isles by tess thingy martina cole is pretty much up tk date couldn't get into lee child or the hunger games although I keep going back to it lol any authors you think write in a similar style? All appreciated xxx

I used to love Denis Lehane, also try Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, Nicci French, AlexKava, all recommendations from my Mum who loves crime & thrillers.
Fattibumbum said:
I used to love Denis Lehane, also try Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, Nicci French, AlexKava, all recommendations from my Mum who loves crime & thrillers.

I love karin slaughter! Will try the others thanks hun and thank mum for me too xxx