Whats for breakfast?

Just chopped a fresh pineapple which I'll take into the office tomorrow for breaky/morning snack, hmmm
Today I had a poached egg, two bacon medallions followed by a bowl of porridge. In the morning I'm having strawberries, melon and grapes with yogurt followed by a bowl of crunchy bran
We are having a meeting at work this morning, boss is treating everyone to McDonald's breakfast so I am taking in a sausage sarnie with me along with some bits of fruit to snack on throughout the meeting.
Tomorrow i'm planning on 2 quorn sausages, beans and scrambled egg. Maybe a slice of bacon too.
hi does anyone else think it would be nice to have the "whats for" breakfast, lunch and dinner threads as a sticky i find them so useful but keep losing them not sure how we go about it or if its already been concidered.
Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon!
I just had 2 slices of wholemeal Nimble toasted (HeB) with a tin of baked beans and 42g of Low Low cheese (HeA) and I'm still hungry!!!
Grapefruit and then 0% greek yogurt with chopped banana and 1tbsp honey (2.5 syns) drizzled over it xxx
well as its my hubbys birthday ( & I woke up starving!) I cooked, rindless bacon, beans, poached eggs (laid by my hens yesterday :) ) and qourn sausages. I had bought mushrooms but i forgot to cook them doh!

I feel much better after lot :)

know it must sound like a daft question but never know what to grab as I dash out to work-any ideas
so fed up being this large:wave_cry::confused::break_diet: