Wow Debridger, I've never had jellied eels before!! What are they like? What consistency do they have and how are they served? I've always wanted to know! I'm quite open minded and experimental with trying new things but I have always been a bit put off by their appearance and have never taken the plunge!! Please tell me they're nicer than they look!!X
OK, first things first... they're free on red/EE - so that's a good start.
If jellied, you eat them cold, and I add vinegar and black pepper.
they have a spinal bone, but you can suck the meat off of it, and you don't end up with a mouthful of bones, although nibbling round or just pulling off the meat with your fingers works just as well.
The fish is quite 'meaty' in texture, but pretty mild in flavour, a bit chickeny I guess and the skin is edible, although this time of year, the skins are a bit thicker due to the weather, so I don't eat it, although I do later in the year when it's warmed up and the skin is thinner.
I guarantee they taste better than they look.
The ones that are semi circle in shape are better as they have more meat...
I bought pre-packed from the supermarket once, they were not good, I don't know if I was unlucky or not, but it would have put me off it it was the first I'd if you can buy them from a seafood stall, or loose, they would be better.
Give 'em go